Frequently Asked Questions

Mynah Magazine
Mynah Magazine
Published in
2 min readMar 27, 2017

What kind of publication are you?

We’re first and foremost a print magazine, published annually. Our first issue was published October 2016.

What kind of stories is Mynah interested in?

We’re interested in any story that sheds light on an aspect of Singapore that usually goes unnoticed. More concretely, we’re interested in profiles of notable Singaporeans, stories about forgotten chapters of history and intimate looks at Singaporean subcultures. This list is not exhaustive; if you have a story idea that falls outside of these categories you can still pitch it to us at

It’s best to look at our first issue to get an idea of what we cover. For instance, we’ve run stories on Traditional Chinese Medicine, Singapore’s first openly gay pastor and the Channel 5 sitcom Tanglin.

Do you accept personal essays? How about listicles? What types of stories is Mynah looking for?

We’re primarily looking for longform feature stories, Q&As with people of interest, profiles, pieces of criticism and photo essays. For our longform feature stories, we’re looking for pieces that incorporate reporting and research.

That said, we are open to other types of stories — just email us at to see what we think.

Do you publish short stories or poetry?

We’re not currently accepting works of fiction or poetry.

Do I need to have previous journalistic experience to write for Mynah?

No, you don’t. We are open to working with writers who are new to the process of reporting and researching. If your writing has been published before, though, do send us some links so we can take a look.

I am interested in contributing to Mynah. How do I contact you and what do I say?

Drop us an email at with PITCH somewhere in the subject line. Tell us about the piece you’d like to contribute: what subject matter will you tackle? What angle do you want to take on this subject? What form will it take? Also tell us why it’s a good fit for Mynah and what makes you the best person to contribute this piece. We do not require that you have past journalistic experience, but provide links to writing samples or a portfolio if you have one.

Can I help out or collaborate with Mynah, but not necessarily in a creative capacity?

Yes, of course! You can get in touch with us if you’re interested in supporting the work that Mynah does, be it through monetary donations, venue or project partnership or stocking copies of the magazine. Send your queries to

Do you pay contributors?

Yes, we pay contributors because we believe in remunerating creative labour and supporting good storytelling.

That said, we are a new, independent magazine that is currently self-funded. Our rates balance this capacity with Mynah’s commitment to paying contributors to the best of our ability.

