NEAR Weekly Digest

Kate Nick
MyNearWallet Blog
Published in
3 min readJun 24, 2022
NEAR Protocol | Cryptocurrency news
NEARverse Weekly Digest

June 20– June 24

Near Protocol partnered with Connect3

NEAR & Connect3
  • What is it? NEAR users can sign up to Connect3 with their NEAR wallets, interact with NEAR assets, and share their unique “” short links
  • What’s to come? Monetization and socialization features.
  • What’s the partnership? Near Foundation has awarded a $50,000 grant to Connect3 to help its development.
  • MNW thoughts: Creator economy is what drives the tech! Social-networking and content creation have so much potential. We’re excited to welcome this unique social-networking project in the NEAR ecosystem and hope to be able to contribute to this area.

Near Protocol launches smart contract audit

  • What is it? Smart contract audit is an examination of the code made to discover possible issues or security vulnerabilities and to fix them and improve the contract.
  • What’s to come? Both auditor and auditees will benefit from this. There is a new auditor ingest form — for interested smart contract auditors to illustrate their capabilities. And an audit request form — for projects to ask for an audit.
  • What’s the benefit? Near Foundation says it is “an important step in growing an ecosystem of trusted security partners, and ensuring availability of quality audits for NEAR-related audits”. An extended list of auditors means wide variety and competitive prices for project owners and safer DeFi space for the common users. Win-win!
  • MNW thoughts: What an amazing initiative, especially during these hard times. Safe audited dApps mean wider adoption for NEAR!

NEAR released a new version of nearcore 1.27.0.

  • What is it? Devs and techies, this one’s for you! Check out the Github changes. Near devs have deployed new features and fixed some minor bugs.
  • What’s to come? Voting for the mainnet protocol upgrade is scheduled to start at 2022–06–27 15:00:00 UTC.
  • MNW thoughts: The NEAR Protocol is evolving and getting better day by day. We’re excited!
  • Near Protocol relaunched NEAR Wiki
  • What is it? NEAR Wiki is the one-stop educational source of information about NEAR that is constantly updated by the community members and the NEAR Foundation team.
  • What’s happening? NEAR Protocol relaunched the open-source collaborative wiki containing useful information about the Protocol infrastructure, opportunities, and guilds.
  • MNW thoughts: What we love about NEAR is that it provides many opportunities for education which is essential for mass-adoption. Can’t wait to dig in!

NEAR gets listed on Kraken

Kraken Announcement

What is it? You can add NEAR to your Kraken account in under 2 minutes! Here is Kraken’s dive into the NEAR Protocol.

  • What’s the benefit? NEAR is now tradeable against USD and EUR on Kraken.
  • MNW thoughts: More adoption, more use cases! Is Coinbase next?

More than 15 million accounts have been created on NEAR blockchain

  • Need we say more?

NEAR NFT & Gaming


Every week brings new wonders! Keep growing, keep building!

