Picipo Spotlight

Kate L
MyNearWallet Blog
Published in
5 min readAug 17, 2022

Picipo & MyNearWallet Partnership

Picipo | MyNearWallet | NEAR NFTs | NEAR Wallet
Picipo has integrated wallet-selector, and MyNearWallet users can access the NFT management platform

Hey NEAR Community, how are you?

This is Kate L, interviewing Sergei Rusak from Picipo,​​ our new partner!

Partnership Announcement

Picipo has just integrated the wallet-selector providing you, NEAR community, with a choice of wallets so that you can pick the one you feel most comfortable with.

MyNearWallet is therefore now supported on the Picipo platform, and all MNW users can start exploring the benefits of this unified NFT management platform and streamline their NFT experience.

Login or sign up via MyNearWallet and start your NFT experience!

NFT management | NEAR wallet
Wallet-selector on Picipo

Hi Sergei, happy to have you here! Tell us a bit about yourself and your role in Picipo!

Hey, I am Sergei, nice to meet you! I am the founder and main ideological inspirer of Picipo, a unified NFT management platform.

Come and connect with me on LinkedIn!

Awesome! Now, how would you describe what Picipo does in 10 words?

Mint NFTs | NEAR NFTs | NEAR Wallet

Picipo is a place where you can not only mint, trade and leverage your NFTs, but also spend your time with great pleasure.

So, Unified NFT management platform — which features does it offer for NFT creators? and for NFT holders?

The Picipo platform aims at empowering all creators with a suite of NFT minting features that can serve any distribution intention. We spent thousands of hours of development to create interfaces in such a way as to make the minting process as simple and straightforward as possible.

Digital artists can:

  • mint their artworks
  • put them on sale at a fixed price
  • start auctions

They can also collaborate and sell their artworks as co-authors, while determining the amount of royalties themselves.

All users can:

  • subscribe to absolutely any notifications on the platform
  • like artworks, artists
  • add to bookmarks, etс.

All notifications will be displayed at the news feed. Additionally, the users can take an AML risk score check.

As for the NFT holders, for them we plan:

  • to introduce tools for leveraging their NFTs
  • to enable them to borrow assets against the NFT, as well as to fractionalize them

Could you tell us more about the socialization feature on Picipo? Seems like a cool way for NEAR community to get to know each other

From the very beginning, the Picipo team paid great attention to social mechanics and tools. It has long been no secret that the more users can communicate directly on the platform, the more time they will spend right there.

To do this, we have created tools that allow everyone to make acquaintances, leave comments, create collaborations, like and follow authors, collections and artworks.

We have implemented tools for communication, allowing now:

  • to leave comments on the artwork so that the author immediately understands what emotions his artwork evokes in other users of the platform.
  • to chat P2P using a simple and clear interface.
  • to subscribe to updates, allowing anyone to easily track the history of artworks, authors and their collections.

Everything is done with great attention to detail and a great desire to let users spend their time with great pleasure.

So, for example, I am a NEAR Creator. What would my journey be like on Picipo, what are my steps to benefit from the platform and use it to the fullest?

NEAR NFT on Picipo — Example

We support and provide assistance to absolutely any user on the platform. In this case, I’m not only talking about 24 hour technical support, but also about special projects on our platform.

One of the priority tasks of our team is to support and develop special projects with high artistic and social value. That’s why on Picipo anyone who wishes has the opportunity to tell an interesting story about themselves and introduce their collection of artworks to the community in a way of Special Projects.

Our platform has no limitations, so everyone can contact the Picipo team, apply to create a unique design for a separate page in the Picipo ecosystem, and put up their artworks for sale.

In short, how does Picipo disrupt the NFT space? How does the platform contribute to the NEAR ecosystem growth?

In the wake of the great popularity of NFTs, we have provided an opportunity for users to mint their artworks on the blockchain as cheaply as possible. Now the entire NFT industry is in decline, but we continue to implement cool technological solutions on the platform, and we will be ready to offer cool functionality when growth begins.

When we implemented the NEAR Protocol under the hood of Picipo, we studied all the technological and innovative solutions of the project very deeply. Now we can say with confidence that Picipo is one of the few platforms where interaction with the NEAR Protocol is as convenient as possible.

Moreover, on Picipo it is possible to launch auctions, while not many other projects have such a functionality.

Now that Picipo supports MyNearWallet — what are the features you want MNW to add for Picipo to benefit from?

Picipo | MyNearWallet
MyNearWallet on Picipo

We will closely monitor the expansion of the functionality of MyNearWallet in order to introduce new features on our platform.

In my opinion, the current transition has already provided new opportunities for current users and I foresee further development of our cooperation.

How do you see this partnership evolving in the future?

In our rapidly changing environment, it is always important to grow and develop together. Personally, I believe that we have already come a long way together and I look forward to further joint cooperation.

The NEAR ecosystem is constantly evolving, scaling, getting better and better, so it is always important to move towards a common goal — crypto mass adoption.

About Picipo

Picipo is a unified NFT management platform on NEAR, Polygon, Aurora, and BSC. Picipo has a direct focus on servicing the creation, discovery, trade/distribution and leveraging of NFTs. Due to the decentralized moderation functionality, Picipo may be considered as a boutique marketplace with very cool NFTs. Beyond these issues a lot of attention is paid to social tools and mechanics, allowing digital artists and collectors to communicate directly on the platform.

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