Welcome our Updated Support: Help Center, Live Chat, and Plans

Max Novak
MyNearWallet Blog
Published in
5 min readAug 9, 2022

Great Support Means More Adoption for NEAR, and That’s What We are Trying to Achieve

NEAR Wallet | Wallet Support
Help Center, Live Chat, and MNW Plans

As mentioned here (and quite on-point), “We don’t talk anymore — we chat”!

Our new support is here, and we are eager to help!

Key Points

  • We switched our Support to Intercom, updating our Help Center with new articles and guides!
  • Live Chat is available on the MyNearWallet website
  • Working on introducing the live chat functionality into the NEAR Wallet itself


Hey NEAR Community, I am Max Novak, and I am the Head of Support at MyNearWallet. You can always contact me here, I am happy to chat (as the chat-first model is my priority! But more on that later).

You might remember my recent post exploring how we were creating the Support Team from scratch, and what our plans were. Well, now I am here with some updates about our progress!

Here’s what we have been working on, making the processes even smoother for the NEAR Community.

  • Developing the chat-first model
  • Updating our Help Center
  • Switching to Intercom to cut down response times
  • Friendly support, fast replies, an atmosphere of trust, and reliability
  • CustDev and community relations

And I am thrilled to report immense progress in each of these categories!

Let’s cover them one by one.

Live Chat Benefits

NEAR Wallet | Live Chat
MyNearWallet Live Chat

As I mentioned, the best support type is when the community can get help LIVE. It is known that 75% of people prefer live chat over any other channel. That way, we are building a relationship based on trust and loyalty.

That is why we are in the process of implementing the chat-first model and implementing live chat functionality.

It will allow us:

  • To make the response times almost instantaneous. Our response time is under 5 minutes during the working hours

NB: the average wait time for live chat support is 46 seconds, and we are set on maintaining this result.

  • To get a more comprehensive understanding of community needs, as the average customer satisfaction using live chat service exceeds 87%

But most importantly, the chat-first model benefits you, the NEAR community, and here’s how:

  • No long waiting for an email from the support team — issues will be resolved live via the support chat
  • The ability to make an informed decision about the service based on your interactions, as 44% of online consumers state that having issues resolved online is the main feature they are looking for in an online service
  • Clearing up any concerns you might be having

Right now, we are working on:

  • Adding the chat window into the NEAR wallet itself, as such a chat right in the wallet shows we are there to explain all the complex functionalities
  • Extending support working hours
  • In general, making the comms faster and more convenient

Switching to Intercom

We revamped our Help Center, updated all the articles and guides there, and are adding new ones, creating a comprehensive FAQ section for all users.

This serves two purposes. One is pretty straightforward: to provide all answers to any uncertainties about your wallet experience.

The other one is adoption: we want to make the NEAR journey as smooth and fast as possible for newcomers. If they see they are assisted along the way, with all their questions promptly answered — the NEAR ecosystem will keep growing.

Atmosphere of Trust and Reliability

We set out to make our support stand out as our very own brand feature. When you hear MyNearWallet, think “amazingly fast and smooth support” :)

On a more serious note, we firmly believe that the key to a fast-growing and vibrant ecosystem is a smooth and easy user-product experience. We want to enable our users to interact with the NEAR ecosystem with the greatest of ease, and we need the community to be sure that each of their questions/feedback/concerns will not go unanswered.

Wallet Support & Ecosystem Growth

NEAR Protocol | NEAR crypto
NEARverse (source: near.org)

As our aim is to become a gate to the NEARverse, we prioritize our communications with the community: crypto newcomers, NEARcomers, NEAR fans, etc.

For crypto newcomers and NEARcomers, support is key, as they are the ones with the most questions. Easy set-up, smooth experience, and assistance along the way — that’s what will help them stay in the ecosystem and spread adoption further.

Our Help Center will become a Knowledge Hub for them, together with our blog, with the latter covering all things crypto and crypto security, and the former focusing on wallet-related questions.

For NEAR fans, there are several areas we want to cover. One interesting aspect to note is SRP (service recovery paradox) — meaning that loyalty tends to get higher after an issue has been resolved. Such a user is prone to suggesting the service to their friends — and that is how both wallet users and NEARverse citizen numbers grow.

We are also taking into account customer satisfaction metrics, maintaining that in our case, these mean NEAR users onboarding to the network. We are responsible not only for providing excellent service but also for making the NEARverse highly accessible.

  • Live chat has the second-highest customer satisfaction ratings at 85%, which means that we can aim at ~85% of newcomers to be satisfied with their NEAR experience.
  • 51% of consumers are more likely to stay with the company if they offer live chat support — and here we try to grow NEAR users retention.
  • 95% of customers value thorough, high-quality support more than speed — so our priority is trust, reliability, and an atmosphere of a partnership between us and the community.


Stay tuned and look out for our support window right in the wallet. We are here to chat!



Max Novak
MyNearWallet Blog

Head Of Customer Service at MyNearWallet (Crypto • DeFi • Web3)