The one ring of power

Elisha Klein
Published in
1 min readJun 23, 2018

We use our ring to become invisible. This is the easy way.

We hide our vulnerabilities so others can’t see them and can’t hurt us.

We use the power of the ring to control others using their weaknesses and hiding our own.

The more we use the ring, the harder it is to stop.

As we become corrupted our focus on our walls and our powers increase.

As the ego grows, being without the power and protection becomes harder and harder. There is more to lose.

Letting go of or destroying the ring is letting go of our pride, even of ourselves.

Being able to show ourselves to the world as we really are.

Facing our fears instead of hiding or attacking.

We stop hurting people and instead open up to feeling our own hurts.

Then healing happens, togetherness and connection.

Originally published at on June 23, 2018.

