Go to My Racing Mind Project
My Racing Mind Project
We’re creating a community around mental health fueled by young voices of color — starting in Chicago. We envision a world where mental health is destigmatized. No matter what, we’re always accessible, inclusive, open.
Note from the editor

We’re creating a community around mental health fueled by young voices of color — starting in Chicago. We envision a world where mental health is destigmatized. No matter what, we’re always accessible, inclusive, open.

Go to the profile of My Racing Mind Project
My Racing Mind Project
We aim to create a community around mental health fueled by young voices of color in Chicago. We envision a world where mental health is destigmatized.
Go to the profile of (A)lex (P)erez-(G)arcia
(A)lex (P)erez-(G)arcia
Mental health advocate. Tell me — if not us, who? If not now, when? If not whom, what? Also — policy & pop culture podcast lover, tepid cyclist, cat mom of two.
Go to the profile of Austin Fitzgerald
Go to the profile of Michelle Thompkins
Go to the profile of Mateo Uribe Ríos