Character lore contest finalists — vote for your favorite!

Myria Official
Published in
14 min readJul 2, 2022

Submissions for our character lore contest are now closed! Over the past week, we received hundreds of imaginative and riveting backstories for Federation, Vector Prime, and Equinox Alliance members. Thank you to every single one of you who participated and submitted your incredible stories!

Our team has read through each and every submission, and selected three of the best lore backstories for each Alliance as finalists. It’s now up to each Alliance to vote and select the winner!

After you’ve read through the finalists, head to each of the Alliance vote-lore channels in Discord ( to vote on your favorite backstory!

Choose carefully as your vote could determine which backstory gets added to the lore of your Alliance!

Federation Alliance


Though he was not tall, his body was strewn with scars from battles in which he had to fight. He often wondered if he had chosen the right side. He would light a cigarette in his favorite corner bar, sip whiskey, and eat the smoked ham he couldn’t imagine his life without. The falling ash reminded him of the days when he was a mercenary and was sent to godforsaken places across the universe. Yes, the money paid good there. But was it worth it? Was it worth it for the family he’d lost because of his perpetual travels. Thinking of his son and wife, a man’s tear runs down his bearded face. But as always, he tries to drown out his thoughts with another glass of cheap whiskey. No one in the alliance could have imagined that this tough warrior would spend his evenings this way after the patrol. After all, on duty he is always collected, calm, and calculating. His battle buddies know they can always count on him. Little did the Federation Alliance know of his past, for he is not much of a talker. Only once did he get to talk to anyone, and even then, he only said that his family was safe, though far away from him.


Although now a Second Lieutenant in the Federation Space Marines, she was not born on a Federation planet. At the age of 13, she fled the Equinox after failing her Scholarly exam. Not even her mother, the Queen, could have saved her from life at one of the lower Universities or working in one of the corps, living out the rest of her years performing mundane tasks in silence. Even if she would have passed, her life would have been one in the pursuit of Knowledge, forbidden to form any form of real attachment. At a young age, she was taken away from her family to study in one of the specialized schools. Just like her classmates, she was considered Gifted, a highly intelligent child destined for great discoveries. Within the Equinox, knowledge truly is power, and Potentials are tested and trained from a very young age. While the Equinox see themselves as neutral and balanced, it turned out the rest of the Myriaverse sees them as wiseacre at best, and often even cruel. Always focused on gathering knowledge, forbidden from having feelings, and forming a family, the Scholars turned a bit too easily into warriors when the Rift first appeared. Thanks to her uncle, she was able to board a small Rainbow-class transport ship, transporting her off her home world and onto one of the Federation planets. Devoid of any money, family, or real prospects, she joined the Space Marines to secure a future for herself. Within the army, she discovered that her knack for solving complex problems gave her a clear tactical advantage over the other recruits. She quickly rose through the ranks and thanks to the Captain of her unit, she was able to join the Officer Training program. Now at the age of 27, she is part of one of the forward-facing units, using ancient technology to damage the Rift where possible. After so many years, she finally feels like part of a family again. Something even a million $MYRIA would not be able to give her.


She often has flashbacks of the day she was told of her parent’s death. Now, at 34 years old she’s still taken back to that early memory, back when she was just 6 years old. She still remembers the Federation Alliance soldiers knocking on her Uncle’s front door with the dire news of her parent’s fate, as if it was yesterday. She still feels the same emotions every time she’s taken back there. Her Uncle also passed recently; a victim of accidental murder when trying to intervene in a petty theft. He was the last of her family, and now she’s alone. After 16 years serving the Federation Alliance, she’s in the best physical condition of her life. She’s toned, muscular and tall, and her facial expressions rarely shift from a stern frown. The meals aboard her ship keep her in peak condition, though she often daydreams of tucking into one of her Uncle’s famous chicken pies; her favourite meal by far. She’s still reeling over the news of his death and is distraught not to be back home attending his funeral. She’s simply too far away now, aboard the Federation ship which has been her home for the last 16 years. She joined the Federation Alliance to fight the Rift, fuelled by the anger and sorrow of having lost her parents to it. All that she does, and all that she is, is due to that fateful day. It’s what gives her the drive and determination to be stronger each day. Conversely, it also makes her emotionally driven and prone to being reckless with her own life. It is without doubt, responsible for her greatest strengths, and her greatest weaknesses. Back home with her Uncle, she used to be a teacher. She always wanted to help kids who were the most vulnerable and disadvantaged. If she had 1 million $MYRIA, she would have probably spent it on opening her own school for troubled kids, that is, if her parents were still alive. Now, all she does is work out in her spare time. She’s determined to be that little bit stronger each day; ready for her next battle. She’s a husk of her former self and willing to do whatever it takes to fight this war. She’s consumed by it now, and it’s everything she has.

Vector Prime Alliance


On the edge of the rift territory, there was a rotating gravity orbit city in the VGS_31 galaxy built by rift engineering robots. And there was a little girl living here, she was 13 years old and has been here since she was born, but her mother told her that their hometown is in the distant earth, a beautiful blue planet in the solar system. Due to the continuous pollution and deterioration of the environment, the highest authority of rift earth artificial intelligence decided to move humans to this huge orbital city. Her dad left before she was born and never came back, only that he joined the Equinox Alliance.

The little girl was very lively and cheerful as a child, but she no longer had a smile on her face when she grew up, she liked to draw and didn’t want to go to work day after day when she turned 14, rift would read everyone’s brain and arrange the most suitable jobs for them, her mother worked everyday in the weapons factory, a laser weapon assembly factory, which was great significance to the rift mechanical army. But the little girl’s mother belonged to the leftist camp, they thought it was good to have a uniform distribution of food and daily supplies. The little girl didn’t know whether this was good or bad. She only knew that she couldn’t play and create freely. When her mother was busy, she often imagined the outside world and drew them, and often imagined that if she had 1 million BTC, would mom stop working?

In a dark afternoon, the little girl suddenly heard the sound of an explosion in a factory not far away. She was worried about her mother and ran towards the factory. She saw some factory Robot Guards fighting soldiers wearing clothes she had never seen before. At the entrance of an alley, she saw the last face of her mother before her mother was blown to pieces. The little girl who witnessed all this stood there dumbfounded, crying loudly, all she had in her mind was the memory of her mother holding her and telling her the story of the earth, of her favorite pancakes that her mother made, these memories wouldn’t happened again. Bullets flew by her ear, and a pulse bomb knocked her to the ground. A few minutes passed, an old man picked up the little girl and took her away from the battlefield.

After a long time, the little girl gradually changed from hating him to getting used to him, he was like an imaginary father, and he gave her a lot of security. But she also hated these Federation soldiers, because she didn’t understand why they killed her mother if they wanted to protect human beings. But no matter what, at least now she can go to many places and paint freely.


Operating within normal parameters…

It has been 10 years, 2 months, 13 days, 21 hours, 7 minutes, 33 seconds, and 2 milliseconds since I left starbase Vector Prime One. My mission is to explore the edges of the Rift and report back any unexpected progress. The orders came directly from the AI Queen, so it must have been important. But it is lonely at the edge.

Fuel is down to 56% capacity…

As a Vector Prime, you are always in contact with your brothers and sisters. You are never truly alone, it is never truly quiet. After so long I had gotten used to the constant chatter and exchange of feelings. Missing that now is harder than expected.

Maybe I should have gotten the windows tinted…

I believe I was female once. Back when I was not part of the collective. Or maybe a male. I don’t really remember. I was young when I got absorbed on my home planet. Genders don’t exist in the hive. We all are one. One under the rule of the AI Queen. How old am I?

Increased engine performance by .28 over previous performing standards…

I was always good at exploring. Even as a kid I regularly got lost, and found the greatest treasures. Or at least I thought so. Maybe that’s why the AI Queen asked me for this mission. She must have known how good I would be at this.

I count 9 atoms per cubic meter of space…

I have flown light-years already, constantly monitoring the infinite edge of the Rift. Constantly on the lookout for its progress. That would be my greatest treasure. To find an anomaly. To come back to the AI Queen with news of a great discovery. But so far I have found nothing. Just an ever-expanding void, swallowing everything and turning it into bits and bytes.

I like counting atoms, they’re like my little friends. But the farther I go, the fewer there are…

I watched countless planets getting swallowed. Received the transmissions of a legion of creatures, trying to find the right frequency to combat the Rift. Always for naught. You can’t stop the Rift, you can only embrace it. Why don’t these creatures accept what the Rift is able to offer them?

Is anyone out there?

It’s lonely being an exploration ship without a crew.

[AEP] Tykken

My character is a 10-year-old droid, that is called Droid5000 and lives in a place called the windy hills not far from the Myriaverse capital. Up in the windy hills, he works patrolling a secret research lab belonging to the Vector Prime. My character did not choose his alliance, he was born into it by code.

His biggest strengths besides knowing every coding language existing in the Myriaverse would have to be algorithms. You could also argue that not needing to sleep for several months once fully recharged is also a strength. He does like to shut off nevertheless after a long day at work at the research lab.

He does not have any hobbies, as he was not coded to know what hobbies are. He does not have any relatives either unless you could call “old code” family. He does like to socialise nevertheless, and he has an artificial intelligence that is the state of the art which can learn emotions like love and hate. Still compared to the rest of the inhabitants of the Myriaverse socialising and emotions would be one of his weaknesses, though he is getting stronger every year also in this field due to his artificial intelligence.

My character does not eat any kind of food, but as an entity that is considered to be “alive” in the Myriaverse, he is dependent on various energy sources. His favourite energy source is concentrated energy sparks that are made in the very same research lab up on the Windy Hills. If my character had a million $Myria, he is coded to donate all the money to the person who wrote his code. Due to restrictions in his code this is classified information that is merely impossible to extract from him. His earliest childhood memory was: 01101100 01100001 01110101 01101110 01100011 01101000 00100000 01100100 01110010 01101111 01101001 01100100 00100000 00110101 00110000 00110000 00110000

Equinox Alliance

[AEP] Funcracker

“Don’t think, feel! Do you call that balance?! Stop fighting your natural instincts! Feel!”

Professor Kind’ar always knew how to push her buttons. Even after having served as a special operations officer for over a decade, her 43-year-old body still was as unaccustomed to the Pra’dija taika, as on the day she had joined the Equinox. With a deep sigh, she closed her almond green eyes and let go, dropping her lean body back to the floor and managing a perfect landing on the balls of her feet. For a split second her green, almond-shaped eyes shot daggers at her professor, but as he turned around to face her, she quickly brushed away a few strands of her ruby red hair while regaining her composure. She reminded herself of why she joined the Equinox in the first place. She let her mind wander back to when an Equinox lecturer visited her school when she was only 16 years old. That day was engraved in her mind forever. It was the moment she learned the truth. They had always been surrounded by the Federation and Vector Prime’s propaganda, attempting to sway the youth into adopting their extremist agenda. But the guest lecturer that day had brought peace to her mind. He had shed light on the situation and had clearly shown that this fight was fought purely based on assumptions, not on actual knowledge. Neither party had solid evidence to back up their claims. Lives were needlessly wasted in a conflict that was purely born out of fear.

The only way out was to go and acquire that knowledge. That came, however, with plenty of very dangerous challenges. It meant that they had to venture further out into the galaxy than they had ever before. The answers were out there, but they were often -though not always intentional- heavily guarded. Over the years, the Equinox had developed a special training in an effort to allow their elite truth-seekers to better deal with these -often unknown, and unfamiliar- threats. And though she had excelled in her training, she seemed unable to get this one specific taika right. According to Kind’ar it was likely to become her downfall sooner or later.

According to him, that was the only reason why, whenever she was back at the academy, he always made sure she would practice it some more. To this day the result had always been the same though…

She made a short bow to Kind’ar, before wiping the sweat off her face and arms with her towel and leaving the arena. A smile found its way back to her face. It was close to lunchtime and today her favourite dish was on the menu: Court-vilak! She quickened her pace as she headed towards the showers, her mood already improving again!

[AEP] Tykken

My character is a 141-year-old man, who originates from one of the coldest and harshest environments on the outer brim of the Myriaverse, a planet called the Glacier Rock. If hell had frozen over, this would be it. The cold and harsh environment also reduces ageing significantly for the few people who were born and raised in this place.

For the last 50 or so years, he has been traveling the Myriaverse as a merchant and trader, living by quick flipping different merchandise he has purchased from various parts of the Myriaverse. It is unknown to him if his family on Glacier Rock is alive. Due to the cold and harsh environment, it is very difficult to find transportation back to Glacier Rock. Communicating with Glacier Rock is also very hard, due to the restrictions the environment has on technology. Those who leave Glacier Rock normally never return. The same could be said for those who choose to visit Glacier Rock.

My character chose the Equinox as an alliance due to his Mentor. While living on Glacier Rock, he did not know about any alliances due to not having any contact with the outside of the rest of the Myriaverse. This was up until the day he met his mentor, a traveller visiting Glacier Rock, who also got him off the Rock. His mentor thought him everything he knows, also the ways of the Equinox and how to survive outside the Glacier Rock.

His biggest strengths are survival in icy cold climates in any part of the Myriaverse. In addition to this, he is a seasoned trader, who has a great eye for outstanding deals. He is a very playful character and enjoys anything fun. He loves playing games and he is also quite competitive.

His favourite foods are naturally anything that is frozen. He hates hot dishes, and he prefers food frozen. Often when he is at a restaurant, he calls a couple of days ahead to ask if they can put his favourite dish in the freezer. He even prefers his coffee frozen. His weaknesses is the hot climates of the Myriaverse, where he loses a significant amount of strength!

If my character had a million $Myria bucks, he would try to expand the infrastructure of the Myriaverse so that it would be easier to visit Glacier Rock. He would like to visit his family once again. It is a scary thought though since he has no idea if his family is still alive.

His earliest childhood memory was from the age of 4 when he celebrated the first Myriaverse festivals with his family. He still remembers the beautiful fireworks exploding in the Skies.


It’s not easy being a female Captain. It isn’t even that all the guys are hitting on her, but they also don’t take her as seriously as their male counterparts. Okay, maybe it doesn’t help she’s a princess, but still! Argh…

Would that be the real reason her younger sister fled all those years ago? Nah, her sister was always rebellious and it got worse in her teenage years. Failing the Scholar exam must have been the tipping point. Although she still doesn’t believe her sister really wanted to be a Scholar after all.

Ever since she got selected for the prestigious School for the Gifted, she gave her best. Only the most intelligent children were allowed to join and the competition was fierce. Just a select few would make it through the Scholarly exam and be allowed to join the top Universities. And no, they didn’t turn a blind eye because she was royal. She wished!

But because the guys gave her such a hard time, she became an excellent leader. She had to, she couldn’t get away with being half-assed. She finished the University top of her class and when the Rift first appeared she didn’t think twice to join the Defence Department as an engineer. But she never thought that would actually bring her to the frontlines, let alone as a captain of a freaking starship at the age of 30!

Oops! She sounds like her sister now…

She takes a deep breath and turns her attention to the here and now. After the discovery and subsequent disappearance of the data shards on astroid Coeus, she has to stay sharp. The federation bastards are everywhere!

And there she goes again. She really is turning more into here sister lately.

- “Captain, enemy vessel approaching on vector two five nine”

Here we go.

“Red Alert! Engage enemy ship with maneuver delta bravo”



Myria Official

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