Discover why Xia One chose to build on Myria

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Set in a time of great hardship in feudal China, it is down to vigilantes, known as Xias, to step in and save the world using whatever powers they have accessed and accumulated through gameplay.

The near task? To free society from rebellious clans and barbarians with their wicked hearts and minds set on capturing the land of the displaced Prince. The ultimate goal? Release the world from its endless time loop of reincarnation until the Grand Mission is accomplished and Nirvana is within reach.

As you might expect, completing the Grand Mission isn’t easy. Players must navigate an intricate process of reincarnation, collecting Karma along the way and using it to level up. However, bad decisions can lead to a downward path where powers are lost.

Who will you choose to be in Xia One?

On a sliding scale, player lifeforms include Immortal, Xia, Civilian, Beast, Plant, and Element. Wrong decisions can see a Xia relegated to a Civilian or a Beast elevated to an Immortal.

That dog (another player) you beat with a stick? It might decide to take revenge on you in the game in ways you had never imagined. Wise decisions are vital to moving in the right direction. Part strategy, part fighting, this RPG with plans to develop into an MMORPG will have players enthralled.

Xia One partners with Myria to mint NFTs on its fast and scalable L2 blockchain.

Meet Xia One’s founder — Pharmakon

We went to the creator of Xia One, Pharmakon, to learn more about the game and its themes, including its lingering infusion of Buddhism and deep Chinese history and how this is reflected in the art and graphics.

He says, “In China, there are more than 1.1billion people, but international recognition is quite shallow. The bad part is that people don’t know too much about China’s heritage if they are outside of it. So the advantage of a game like Xia One is that we can show people many elements of Chinese art and fiction born out of its 2,000-year history while they are having fun. We think that comes through in the game.”

A place where art, history, and cultures connect

The art department at Xia One has undoubtedly achieved this aim. Through painstaking development, the lush pastel colors — a sort of cross between a Monet watercolor and a Manga-style cartoon — imbue the game with a moody timelessness and borderless energy.

“The game is like Dungeons and Dragons,” says Pharmakon, “but where you get to encounter different creatures based on Chinese traditional stories and mythology. In a way, we’ve drawn on many influences. Xia One is a fusion of old and new, East and West, but with a predominantly Chinese twist.”

Bridging cultures in this fashion, Pharmakon has high hopes that the game will appeal to a broad audience of people looking for a solid player experience that also, on another level, introduces them to a deeper understanding of China’s rich history.

Interestingly, though, on popping the hood, the cutting-edge technology powering this gamified homage to China’s illustrious past becomes evident.

Why Xia One chose Myria’s blockchain technology

Pharmakon says, “We’ve been looking for the right place to mint our NFT collection, and we feel that Myria is the ideal solution due to its ability to scale rapidly. We also like that we can mint quickly and with zero gas fees. Plus, Myria is successfully selling its nodes, so there will be an integrated system for all of the token holders.

“We also feel that there will be a great synergy with Myria as we build out the Xia One project,” he says. “We were trying to search for a scaling platform to help us reach a wider player base. Because Xia One is a free-to-play (F2P) game, it requires a lot of people to play. Then we hope that a proportion of those people will invest in NFTs to obtain high-tier characters that carry a lot of perks.”

F2P plus P&E working together in harmony

Here, he outlines that the F2P players can enjoy Xia One as much as they want, but they will rarely — unless they commit a lot of time to earning $KARMA through the free gameplay — get to play with the most powerful Xia characters. To make it further, participants must progressively evolve, upgrade and lay their hands on better equipment. This is why Pharmakon believes high levels of adoption are pivotal to the project’s success.

He says, “We feel that Myria, which has a huge and growing reach, can help us increase the number of players we need to reach critical mass. Myria is one of the earliest into the GameFi space, and best positioned to help us. There’s huge momentum on the marketing side, and we’re impressed with the community the team has built up in a relatively short time, plus the high level of engagement it gets on its posts. That’s a huge achievement, and we’re happy to be a part of it.”

If, like Xia One, you’re keen to build your next blockchain gaming project and NFT collection on a flexible L2 platform that delivers speed, scalability, and security, get in touch with Myria’s development team today.



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Myria is an Ethereum Layer 2, built to scale digital assets, NFTs and blockchain gaming. Follow along for our latest company announcements & product updates!