Mission Sigma Chapter 5 Myria Lore

Mission Sigma — Chapter 5

Myria Official
3 min readMay 9, 2023


“This is the beginning and this is the way,” the AI said robotically. “Your hearts have spoken. Your minds have listened. Your soul will decide.”

Landrik felt his heart pounding. What did this all mean?

“Between the Alliances, you must find the best way to subdue The Rift. Either that or allow The Rift to subdue you. In the latter case, everything you once held dear, and perhaps still do, will be lost for eternity.”

Another long pause ensued before, in a clipped tone, Sigma Tech declared. “Alliances ready! Atten — tion!”

Even though most of the crew members had never had a drill call in their lives, their bodies automatically straightened and they quickly formed into lines. Then they looked directly forwards, anticipating further orders.

“Federation! How will you subdue The Rift?” demanded Sigma Tech.

“Force!” The Federation Alliance members shouted in unison, echoing throughout the ship. “Resist the Rift.”

“Equinox! How will you subdue The Rift?”

“Balance! Understand the Rift.” This declaration was followed by a short period of silence.

Does Ava really believe this? Landrik wondered. And then he remembered what she had said: I want to understand it.

“Vector Prime! How will you subdue The Rift?”

“Acquiescence! Give into the Rift.”

As each Alliance gave a response, shocked whispers went through the ship. Members of each group were certain that their method was the most appropriate. Was there truly more than one way to subdue the Rift?

Landrik had had enough. He stepped forward out of the Federation and lifted his face to the ceiling.

“Hey, you! We can see what’s happening here. But what should we do?”

The voice emerged once more through the static. “The only way to secure the future of the universe is to find the ancient keys! They are broken into fragments, and you must put them together. Very soon they will be on their way to the four corners of the Myriaverse.”

What did that mean? Where were they now?

“You must decide whether to join forces and work as one, or stick to your guns.”

That’s an easy one, I’m sticking to my guns, Landrik thought. He turned and looked at the other two Alliances, sizing them up. They held about the same number of people as the Federation group. Which one was the most powerful? More importantly, which one had the best solution?

“We’re headed into the Rift right now,” he growled at the ceiling. “What good will a bunch of key fragments do!” Then he strode across the deck and pointed out of the window. “In case you hadn’t noticed, The Rift has already eaten planet Vartos with its oversized digital teeth. My best guess is that, in less than a few minutes, this spaceship and everything in it will meet the same despicable end. How in the name of Andi can we stop it now?”

“You can’t — yet!” Sigma Tech replied.

Everybody started to shift about uneasily. They were wondering two things — what gave Landrik the divine right to have a personal conversation with this ancient AI, and how long would it be before they were all turned into a billion bits and bytes? Even Vector Prime members who were eager to get consumed by the Rift just a few minutes ago now looked to be having second thoughts about the prospect.

“Federation, Equinox, and Vector Prime Alliance boxes are scattered throughout the universe,” said Sigma Tech. “Some are even inside The Rift. But do not be foolish enough to venture there without knowing what you are doing.

“First find the key fragments, piece them together to make the keys complete, then use the keys to unlock the boxes. Some contain weapons. Some contain data shards with maps and instructions. Some data shards have inbuilt intergalactic communication systems.

“Use everything you find and all of the powers you gather to piece together the secret cosmic puzzle created by the Andi many millennia ago.”

“And how in hell’s name do you propose we do all that!” Landrik bellowed.

To be continued…

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