Myria X Ridiculous Shooter AMA Recap

Myria X Ridiculous Shooter AMA Transcript

Myria Official
20 min readOct 27, 2023


Ridiculous Shooter is a fun, quick-paced, 2D, multiplayer shooter game building on Myria. In a recent AMA, we’ve had the chance to chat with Tang Tung Yee, Ridiculous Shooter Co-founder and Tech Lead. Get up to speed with the full transcript below and find out why Ridiculous Shooter chose to build on Myria, what they think of the Myria SDK, how their NFT collections went live on the Myria Marketplace and much more.


Hello everyone. And hello to you, too, Tang! I’m always excited to host these little coffee chats we have with our partners and the community.

By the way, if anyone out there is a new listener and new to Myria, we are an end-to-end gaming ecosystem and Ethereum Layer 2, and that means our job is to make it a breeze to build and mint on our platform and allow players and builders to explore games and dApps, while enjoying carbon-neutral transactions that are both fast and gas-free.

Our community has grown to a hefty half a million globally, Our network is currently supporting over 13 million verified wallets and upwards of 270 game studios. Our vision has always been to empower players and partner game studios alike, and our friends at Ridiculous Shooter are no different. Except for one thing. And it’s the elephant in the room that we’ve been dying to talk about for weeks, and now we finally get to.

You all probably know what I’m talking about but before we get into that! It’s my pleasure and privilege to introduce the team behind Ridiculous Shooter, which is a fun, casual, 2D, online arena shooter where you wield powerful weapons and challenge your friends, other players, or the AI in quick 3-minute matches. So if you’re into bite-sized 2D animated combat, you’re gonna love Ridiculous Shooter.

And with me today is one of the great minds behind it all, please give a warm warm emoji blast to Tang, Co-founder and Tech Lead at Ridiculous Shooter. Welcome to the Space, Tang!


To kick things off, let’s start with the usual business. I’d love for our community to get to know you better. And so it’s customary around here for guests to share a bit about their professional background and on top of that, please share what it is that brought you to the wonderful world of web3.


Hello everyone, my name is Tang, and I’m the Tech Lead of Ridiculous Shooter. I’m also a co-founder of the project, have been around since day 1 and understand both technical and roadmap-related aspects of building a fully-fledged web3 game as an independent studio. We’ve been working closely with the team at Myria to integrate their technology into our 2D shooter to open new possibilities in asset trading and ownership. Today I am excited to share our game Ridiculous Shooter, and our fantastic collaboration experience with Myria!


I’m super excited too, especially with the monster milestone that we’ve shared together. But for those who don’t know yet, could you kindly walk us through the game in brief, a short overview of what players can expect? I know it’s already out in iOS, Android, and other places. So how do they get started, and what cool things can they enjoy in the game, especially in terms of character creation?


Ridiculous Shooter is the first Web3 title within the Ridiculous Metaverse, and it is a 2D multiplayer shooter game in which players can choose their favourite characters and cool weapons to fight other players in a 3-minute deathmatch session to win amazing in-game rewards, including valuable NFTs. The game is now released on Web, Android, and iOS platforms, which essentially means the players can enjoy it pretty much anywhere.

One very exciting upcoming feature of this game is the ability to create your own character with incredible flexibility. We provide in-game tools like drawing, AI character generation, and the option to upload your own PNG file to design your unique character. This opens up endless possibilities for you to create the character you truly own and love to fight with.


That’s super cool. I’m really excited to start drawing my three-headed duck and start playing the game. We all love a good deathmatch session. Especially with friends and fellow fans. And speaking of friends, tell me about your team! How did you guys join forces to embark on this fun-tastic game-making adventure together?


So, personally, I am a game developer with over 12 years of experience in the game development industry, in which I’ve created games with millions of downloads, and now I am part of the 4-person team that builds Ridiculous Shooter.

Within our team, we are fortunate enough to have 1 senior backend developer with over 20 years of experience. Additionally, we have a dedicated game developer responsible for shaping the game’s features, and an artist who is good at designing the game’s user interface.

We are also highly committed to transparency, and that means we are fully doxxed. We have taken this step to demonstrate our authenticity to the Web3 community. We are genuinely driven to make Web3 gaming a reality. I believe that Web3 gaming is the future, and it will be widely adopted in the upcoming years. I have seen the rise of Web 2.0, and I believe that Web 3.0 is set to be the next success of this decade.


We definitely think so too. As a side note, what kind of games do you enjoy playing the most and what was the main inspiration for building Ridiculous Shooter?


I personally enjoy a lot of shooter games, including titles like Counter-Strike, Call of Duty, and Battlefield. In contrast, I also find enjoyment in charming games that incorporate a touch of violence, such as Plant vs. Zombies, Zombieville, and Minecraft. Consequently, I believe that Ridiculous Shooter draws inspiration from the games of our childhood.

Furthermore, I envision Ridiculous Shooter as a game where players will enjoy complete creative freedom in shaping their own characters, thanks to our upcoming tools like the in-game drawing tool. This is because I really love the feeling of being able to create anything in a game universe such as Minecraft, and I think it aligns seamlessly with the metaverse theme.

All in all, I firmly believe that as game developers, we should ideally create games that align with our personal preferences, even though we must strike a balance between our preferences and market demands. However, that discussion is best saved for another time before I talk too much!


Yeah, I love that! And it definitely ties into web3 ownership as well because you made it so it’s yours and you own it and play with it. And so it kinda just brings that whole other layer into the player experience. And I love that little sprinkle of violence you mentioned earlier, especially when making a 2D shooter. My favourite thing in Plants vs Zombies is definitely the Walnut. Because it would just stand there and cry which we can all relate to at some point in our lives. It’s great to see that your game is already out and ready for players to enjoy! We’re slowly opening the Pandora’s box of exciting news. For one, you’ve already listed your first collection on Myria’s NFT marketplace not too long ago. It’s called the Ridiculous Shooter Prime Founder Coin, can you tell us about the in-game utility for that collection?


This month we integrated Myria NFTs into the game, so if you own our NFT collection, which is Prime Founder Coin NFT that you can find in the Myria marketplace, you will be able to access and use it in-game.

There are so many benefits to this limited edition NFT, so I will highlight them here. To begin, NFT owners will enjoy exclusive access to Master Founder NFTs, which will come in various forms, each characterised by high scarcity and significant in-game utilities within Ridiculous Shooter. Most importantly, these Master Founder NFTs are only for Prime Founder Coin NFT holders.

In addition to the Master Founder NFTs, our NFT owners will qualify for monthly rewards in the form of NFT cosmetic items, and on occasion, they may receive surprise NFT rewards!

Beyond NFTs, ownership of the Prime Founder Coin NFT unlocks enhanced rewards across all in-game events, contests, and giveaways. For instance, if an event’s prize is 10,000 in-game currency and you win the event, you will receive 12,000 instead. The amount of your reward boost will be determined by the quantity of Prime Founder Coin NFTs you possess.

Last, but certainly not least, all Prime Founder Coin NFT holders will be eligible for a token airdrop immediately following the Token Generation Event. The precise amount of this airdrop is yet to be finalised, but it will be drawn from the Community Allocation pool, and owners can refer to the Tokenomics section on our website,, for further details.


That’s super cool, I can’t wait for your TGE and seeing the Ridiculous Shooter community grow and play more matches together. Have you guys nailed down a name for your in-game currency?


Yeah sure, we’ve already chosen the name $RIDIC, which is really straightforward.


Oh yeah, that’s for sure. Well, Tang, I think, the moment of truth has come upon us. It’s what everyone’s been waiting for, it’s what people have been buzzing about since the announcement dropped yesterday. We at Myria have been so proud to have partnered with Ridiculous Shooter as the first-ever game to list a collection in our native token MYRIA, on the Myria marketplace! The new collection is called the Ridiculous Metaverse Master Chip. Tang, could you do the honours of shedding light on what utility this collection brings to the Ridiculous Metaverse?


The name is Ridiculous Metaverse Master Chip, and overall it is an NFT that can be used for all games within the Ridiculous Metaverse. The Ridiculous Metaverse is a colossal checkpoint in our project roadmap. It’s a metaverse where we’re set to develop 3 more NFT games over the course of 2–3 years, with interoperability between games as part of our web3 vision.

Thus, if a player purchases a Ridiculous Metaverse Master Chip NFT, the player will enjoy benefits in all games within our Ridiculous Metaverse, instead of just Ridiculous Shooter. This builds on top of the utility offered by the Prime Founder Coin series and will be a powerful product for Myria’s major new feature.

The overall benefits of the Ridiculous Metaverse Master Chip include

+ Token Airdrop

+ Monthly NFT Rewards For All Games

+ Automatic Whitelists For All Games

+ Bigger In-Game Rewards For All Games

+ Unique In-Game Profile For All Games

For monthly NFT rewards, we aim to make them interoperable between games whenever the case applies, we are currently experimenting with this tech with different architectures.


Definitely a fitting choice and thank you so much for your collaboration on this. It’s been super epic. And I guess it goes without saying that being able to trade now in MYRIA’s native token is just the beginning, but already opens up laminar channels for our ecosystem to circulate and thrive. I wanted to ask — How does it feel to be the first to debut a collection listed in MYRIA and what was it like using this brand-new function on the dev portal?


We are deeply honoured and sincerely grateful to Myria for placing trust in our capabilities and collaborating with us to launch our collection in MYRIA tokens.

This opportunity feels almost surreal, yet our track record of delivering on every promise in our roadmap with technical implementations, such as the latest in-game Myria NFT integration, gives us confidence that we will continue to fulfil our commitments. We are dedicated to integrating additional features from the Myria SDK, such as in-game minting and burning, into our game.

As for our hands-on experience with a brand new function, we get to try out the updated SDK and its APIs, as well as the new backend interface, and we must say it is an absolutely awe-inspiring moment when we try them out. They simply function seamlessly without the need for complex implementations.

A prime example is in the past we needed to code our own implementation of queued listing with error handling to make sure all listings are queued and listed in order, but now we simply need to click a few visual buttons in the new backend interface built with React framework, and queue listing is done seamlessly without the need to touch any code.

The enhancements, combined with an already user-friendly SDK and interface, are truly impressive to us. Furthermore, the SDK updates offer many convenient features, such as the ability to bulk-unlist specific items and filter through collections. These updates significantly simplify our development process, enabling us to allocate more of our resources to integrating Myria SDK features into our game.

We are also grateful for the prompt and expert technical support provided by the Myria team, which further accelerates our progress.


Aw, thanks, Tang. I think it goes both ways, you guys have been great at actioning on the material needed to hook up your game to the chain. It’s great to see all these things come to fruition. And thanks so much for describing what you liked about the SDK, especially for any developers out there who are into this kind of stuff. We just love streamlining things into one easy package. There are a lot of powerful weapons and attachments in Ridiculous Shooter which we’ll touch on in a bit. But on a meta-level, what made you choose to partner with Myria and use our SDKs as your own weapon of choice in game development?


I have had the opportunity to try out many SDKs in the past, and I realised that most of the SDKs are not really focused on web3 gaming. In some cases, an SDK may give me the impression of being focused on gaming on the surface, but upon reading into its code, I feel that it is also designed for applications beyond gaming.

Myria, on the other side, is completely different. It is purposefully engineered for games, and it also offers a Web3 permissionless gaming ecosystem. I think this is unique in the Web3 gaming landscape since in the current industry you either have a closed or semi-closed Web3 gaming ecosystem. However, everyone can integrate game-specific NFT features with Myria SDK.

On top of that, Myria offers instant trade confirmation and 0 gas fee when minting and trading NFTs all while maintaining the utmost security of users’ assets. It also can handle up to 9,000 transactions per section (TPS), which is super efficient compared to Ethereum’s 15 transactions per second (TPS). This technological capability is precisely what we require for our ambitious large-scale multiplayer game project.

And of course, the supportive and passionate Myria staff are what make us really love to work with them. We look forward to our further collaboration that revolutionises the web3 game industry.


Thanks so much for sharing and of course, you being a large-scale ambitious multiplayer game, we love working with projects with that kind of drive. Because that’s our main mission from the get-go — we want to give you these tools so that you have that bandwidth to really explore the capabilities of game design and game enablement. For curious developers out there, whether they’re originally pointed to web3 or transitioning from web2, how has your experience been interacting with Myria’s SDK?


Personally, I have been responsible for integrating Myria NFTs into our game with the Myria SDK, and I must say I am very impressed with how friendly it is to use it.

You will need to know some non-game programming languages and server-side stuff to be able to leverage the SDK, but they are very easy to learn and beyond that point, Myria SDK becomes remarkably straightforward.

For example, if I wanted to implement the feature to retrieve Myria NFT data within the game, all I had to do was to put the code provided by the Myria SDK docs and that’s it, I can now pull the NFT data into the game, and I can see the NFT in-game.

There were no complex, hidden issues to wrestle with. In the rare event I encountered an issue, which in my experience has mostly been straightforward, I could reach out to Myria’s Tech Lead. The response was not only practical but also incredibly quick, usually within an hour or so.

In summary, our collaboration with Myria has been a comfortable and happy experience. Internally, we have maintained a high level of activity, making it the most rewarding partnership within the Web3 game development landscape, even considering my prior experience with other Web3 SDKs.


So happy to hear. Makes me want to insert the ‘learning and growing’ GIF into our conversation. Wait a minute, is it JIF is it GIF? Let us know in the comments, or fight about it in our Discord. In any case, I digress. We’ve just hit Q4, what are your plans for Ridiculous Shooter in the coming months bridging over to 2024?


We have an exciting lineup of features planned for Ridiculous Shooter! In Q3 we already integrated the Myria SDK into the game, so for now you will be able to see and use NFTs in our game if you own one of our NFTs. There will be more utility for our NFTs as we expand our game with more features that have high playability.

Looking ahead, we have even more advanced NFT features in the pipeline. For instance, around Q4 2023, players will gain the ability to mint and trade mainly Character Traits and NFT rewards on the Myria Marketplace.

Part of our 2023–2024 goal is also to expand Ridiculous Shooter to become a multipurpose multiplayer game where players can either enjoy competition through PvP matches or enjoy creating their character and participating in casual co-op events to have fun together. These are the goals for Ridiculous Shooter, and Ridiculous Shooter is just one of the titles in Ridiculous Metaverse.

For Ridiculous Metaverse, we will have more games coming up over the next 2–4 years, which will be:

1. Ridiculous Trading Card Game

2. Ridiculous Bubble Shooter

3. Ridiculous Racing

And more mini-games! Our goal is to push out more games into the metaverse, so the players can play what they love to play, and still own the tokens and selected Myria NFTs that can be used in all games within the metaverse, which is what we call interoperability.


What’s your personal vision for Ridiculous Shooter, and to some degree, for the web3 gaming space as well?


Our vision is to build a Play-And-Earn gaming metaverse that offers a genuinely enjoyable series of exclusive web3 games, all while providing real-life benefits for your time and dedication.

In Ridiculous Shooter, the items you acquire will transform into NFTs securely stored in your web3 wallet. This means that you truly own what you have purchased or earned, and you have the freedom to trade these NFTs seamlessly through the Myria Marketplace. On top of that, you will be able to use NFTs across all our games, because every game is interconnected with interoperability implementation, opening endless possibilities for fun interactions.

We are highly committed to developing and expanding Ridiculous Shooter and the Ridiculous Metaverse in the next 3–5 years. In fact, we are so committed that I even worked on the game the night after I underwent surgery last year. We are even more committed to building our metaverse together with Myria, thus I believe we will witness more collaborations and technical breakthroughs with Myria for years to come, and I definitely look forward to this bright future.”

Questions from the audience

#1 Rajesh

Is there any future planning for a new listing ($MYRIA) in any new exchange?


While the token is already listed on a number of exchanges, let’s wait for further announcements on where else the team plans to get $MYRIA listed. If you have any suggestions on where you’d like to see the coin traded, do reach out to one of our moderators on Discord and we will see if we can make it happen.

#2 Amirata

Hello, everyone. Would it be a good idea to, you know, somehow convince the big studios like Blizzard for example to put their efforts into web3 gaming and ultimately create a conjoined project that would somehow combine Myria and all other participants in one huge game instead of creating small games here and there?


In terms of getting these bigger studios into the ecosystem also has definitely always been a welcome prospect for the team. We’re lucky enough also to have team members who came from these big studios and worked in Ubisoft, Gameloft, and other AAA proponents. However, we’re also aware that some of these web2 studios have their own internal debate on whether to adopt web3. And in the event that they do come onboard to the shore and want to enter the space, we’re definitely open to those kinds of partnerships. Right now we do have a celebrity game in the works with AB de Villiers in the cricket game so that’s pretty exciting in terms of broader spectrum exposure in traditional markets. But yeah, always a welcome idea and I’m glad that that’s on your mind too! Thanks so much for your question.


Yeah, I think everything is possible in this web3 gaming landscape. And who knows maybe one day we’ll have one big ridiculous collaboration with the big studios!

#3 Etifiokudoh6

How do you purchase a (Ridiculous Shooter) NFT?


If you have the Metamask browser extension, it’ll be really easy to log into the website. After that point, it will depend on which collection you’re interested in. Say, if you want to get the Prime Founders Coin, that’s currently listed in Ethereum. And if you want to get the Ridiculous Metaverse Master Chip, that’s currently available in $MYRIA. So you need to have enough of the appropriate coins available in your wallet to purchase your NFT of choice. After that, if you’re still facing difficulties, feel free to open a ticket on our Zendesk help portal where one of our team members can assist you, and hopefully you get the collection piece you’ve been eyeing.


Ok, thank you!


And thank you! Really helpful question for everybody here who’s interested in the collections, not just for Ridiculous Shooter but for the other games that are also currently listed on our marketplace.

#4 Decentralized World

What is your plan (for Ridiculous Shooter) to build up your community for the next 1–2 years?


We have been hiring new moderators and community managers and planning new events and contests. I’ve spoken to key people in holding some tournaments. We’re also looking into the development of the tournament format within the game so that the community can play the game together daily, weekly, and monthly to win NFT rewards. This way we can excite the community more and grow more people. We’re also due to execute marketing plans to attract more players from web2. Given that web3 is quite new, in order to make it mainstream, we need to attract web2 players into the space. Number one is the fun factor, we need to make the game as fun as the web2 games and when the time is right we can explore trying out some web3 features. We know that the community is the most important thing in web3 and this way they can also earn from playing.

Decentralized World

My few suggestions for transitioning players from web2 to web3, you can use something like a YouTube channel, a Twitch channel or a Telegram channel so people can see where they can find the game and keep up with the development you are doing.


Thank you for the insights! And a really great question because I’ve been asked this a lot too. We have been preparing for this since two months ago, and will soon post our marketing and community growth plan on Medium and will announce the channels we will be posting more content on. We’ve done strategy research as well as artist commissions and are excited to announce more next month.


I also just wanted to highlight that in celebration of Ridiculous Shooter’s listing in the Myria marketplace in MYRIA token, we will be distributing $1000 in $MYRIA to 50 lucky winners. Do check out our Twitter post and the Zealy campaign for more details on that. The campaign will run from October 10 to the 24th.

While waiting for any other questions, Tang, where can they find you in terms of socials?


In terms of socials, they can find me active mostly in our Discord channel which they can find on our website, And also you can find us active on our Twitter. These are the two main channels, but we do plan to expand our social media and you should see us very soon on YouTube, Twitch, and Instagram.

Awesome, thanks for sharing and as mentioned, they do have a Discord group so if you’d like to be a part of their community too, it’s open arms over there and I’m sure the team would be more than happy to answer any questions you may have coming into their community.

#5 Tilak

Can you share some funny and emotional moments you had while building your game, Ridiculous Shooter

I believe that we had so many funny and especially emotional moments while building the game, Ridiculous Shooter because when we want to build a great game, the team would have to be very transparent. And that means they would often have a lot of constructive feedback. Sometimes we’d scold each other “That’s not ridiculous enough! The controls still suck!”. We love those moments because if we want to really make a game that people love to play, these are the kinds of things we need to do. We focused our energy on building a game that people love and one that really fits the term ‘Ridiculous’. To me personally, the game is about 30% there, it’s still not ridiculous enough but we do have a bunch of ridiculous features in the pipeline and we can’t wait to share them with the world.

Also, that means our growth potential is really huge because we’re just getting started. We invite everyone to join this ridiculous journey and witness the ridiculous moments, and our new features over time.

# 6 takerwoods

As a game developer in both Web2 and Web3, what are the major similarities and differences between the two?


This is the question that I really like to answer. When making Ridiculous Shooter, we kept asking ourselves about how we could bring in more players from web2 into web3. We would often think about the key differences between the two to assess our marketing strategies a bit better. To me, in the end, they are very similar. The biggest similarity is that all players love a fun game. It doesn’t matter if it’s a web2 or web3 game. And of course, there are some thoughts around web3 still being new and not mature and of course, this part we need to improve to attract more web2 players.

The difference is, for one, why do we come into the web3 gaming landscape? I had a dream not only in my childhood but also in my adult years. You know, I would work from 9–5 and when I get home I feel really tired. I don’t have any attention left to play the games that I really love. So this is like the current situation in web2. In web3, it’s different because we can play and enjoy while earning from the game. As I mentioned before, YouTubers can make content and enjoy playing games while being profitable from the videos they create. This is my vision for web3, that the world for gamers would be better because they’ll be able to play and earn at the same time.


Awesome. Where passion and paycheck collide.

Just checking if there are any more questions. “#7 Will there be an airdrop?” Yes, I believe there will be an airdrop for Prime Founders Coin holders during the token generation event if I’m not mistaken.


Yes, that’s correct.


Alrighty. Well, I think we’ve got them all. If there are no more follow-up questions, I’m going to leave it there. Thank you guys again for your time in joining us today and have a great day ahead. And thank you too, Tang! Thanks so much.


Thank you so much for having me in this space and I really appreciate all of you for joining the space. Have a great day everyone!

About Myria

Myria is a blockchain game development studio and an Ethereum Layer 2 solution powered by StarkWare, to scale digital assets, NFTs, and blockchain gaming. Myria utilizes ZK roll-up tech to supercharge its ecosystem and bring the next generation of gamers to the blockchain. Myria has a thriving community of over 500,000 users, and more than 270 blockchain projects are already building on the Myria blockchain. Thanks to ZK technology, users can expect high transaction speeds, 0 gas fees, and free NFT minting.

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