How to Get the Most From Your Myriad Investor Ticket

Angela Castles
Published in
2 min readFeb 8, 2017

In a sea of startups, investors are the great whites.

You’re top of the chain, in high demand, and crucial for the ecosystem to survive. That’s why we’ve created a customised ticket just for investors: to make sure you get the most out of your time and exposure to the highest-quality startups. We’ve laid out some tips below so that you’ll meet the best entrepreneurs, gain valuable connections, and learn from fellow industry experts.

Investor-only tracks

This customised festival ticket is perfect for investors interested in deal flow, business intelligence and other unique opportunities.

Custom Matchmaking

Tired of being approached by startups outside your field of investment? Myriad offers a personalised concierge service to place you with the most suitable matches from a curated list of various stage startups.

#Myriadhack — It’s like speed-dating for startups — meet a selection of high-quality startups in a relaxed networking setting.

The VIP Treatment

Network in comfort from our exclusive investor-only lounge, which is optimised for holding meetings with startups. Escape the Queensland heat and rub shoulders with global investors, entrepreneurs and tech stars.

#Myriadhack — The investor lounge is a great place to charge your devices, send off some emails and grab snacks and refreshments.

Demo Day

Investor ticket holders will have access to VIP networking events like Demo Day — an exclusive showcase from River City Labs and Muru-D’s Accelerator Cohort. Hand-picked for their strong founders and growth potential, the accelerator cohort comprises six startups that have been incubated for 6 months. See their final pitches then join the cohort for refreshments and exclusive post-event networking.

#Myriadhack — Demo Day attracts a variety of VC’s and investors from around Australia, as well as corporates such as McCullough Robinson, Suncorp, Ernst & Young and Morgans.

Additional Perks

Ticket holders will be invited to investor-only parties and networking events.

Want to know more? Get your tickets at and find out about our speakers, events and updates. Follow the journey on Twitter: @myriadlive



Angela Castles
Writer for

I write things, eat things & analyse things. Here’s what’s caught my attention in innovation, culture & branding.