Myriad Air: Behind the scenes

Martin Talvari
Published in
3 min readSep 18, 2017

Ladies and gentlemen. This is your captain speaking. On behalf of the crew I would like to thank everyone who made this possible.

Myriad Air: SFO — QLD, May 2018

Inspired by my experience helping to organise the first Slush Flight — and given there was, and still is, no direct flight from Silicon Valley to Queensland, yet… I knew straight away this would be the best way to put Australia on the global map.

Check out this badass video capturing the experience by Kevin Wolf.

So, who’s behind this?

Queensland’s Chief Entrepreneur Office helped to make this happen. Supported by Advance Queensland, the first chief Mark helped us position the opportunity into powerful conversations between Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk, Minister Leeanne Enoch and of course, Alan Joyce, CEO of Qantas. We’re excited to see these discussions have already led to further collaboration, with Qantas recently announcing their new fleet of Dreamliners will call Queensland home. And with Mark now officially passing the baton over to Steve Baxter, the sky is the limit.

Sharktank’s Steve Baxter recently accepted the role of QLD Chief Entrepreneur

This was never JUST a plane. For Myriad, this is an important example of how to successfully collaborate across industries, backgrounds, state boundaries and even commercial objectives. It’s also a great opportunity to show Australia what’s possible when we ACTUALLY. WORK. TOGETHER.

I’d also like to say a very special thanks to our many friends behind the successful launch — from Brisbane to the North and South coasts, all over Australia and particularly those of you from beyond these borders — we look forward to welcoming you with open arms next year.

What’s the timeline?

M18 Expressions of Interest (partners, speakers etc)
Open now

Ticket Launch event + 1st Speaker Announcement
Early November

M18 Volunteer Registration
February 2018

Myriad Air: SFO — BNE
Departing May 12, 2018 (late evening)
Arriving May 14, 2018 (early morning)

Myriad 2018:
May 16 (Opening Night Party)
May 17 + 18


May 19th (Farewell Party)

Who will be invited?

Some of the most iconic people behind the world’s leading brands. But also some of the most influential leaders you’ve never heard of, yet! In fact, some of them may not even want to be known. Our job at Myriad is to identify new trends, breakthroughs and the people behind them. So it’s about 20/80 — established leaders with the rising stars.

The next few months we are gathering expressions of interests. We’re also giving away one seat every month until the conference next year, May 16th –18th! Simply fill out this form, and you could be one of those lucky winners.

Who’s in charge of the invitations?

We are, but we’re excited to hear your ideas! Myriad is designed to be run by and for the community, so everyone is welcome to suggest, invite and participate in the process.

Just get in touch with us at It helps if you know the person you’re suggesting or someone who knows them. We’ve noticed the expectations are set pretty high, (no pressure!). Myriad will then make the final call, taking all suggestions into account.

What about the return flight?

We are designing a flexible return experience for the passengers. It’s possible to fly back to San Francisco and Los Angeles from Sydney and Brisbane. More information following about this soon. The reason behind the flexible return is to allow anyone to extend their trip. It’s a long way here, so why not go hug some koalas or check out the Sydney Opera House after Myriad.

Now, we kindly ask you to use all your personal electronic devices, including laptops and cell phones and share this story with your friends.

Thank You!

Capt. Marty McFly

