Grow your creative smarts using Myriad Social

Myriad Social
Published in
4 min readAug 19, 2022

TL;DR Currently, creative talents are more in demand than ever, with more brands hiring in-house content creators. You can boost your creative skills, whether it is photography, illustration or writing by sharing your works using Myriad Social’s “experience” feature and get feedback from others on your work.

Image @Vicky Sandria

This article is divided into several sections:

  • The importance of feedback on creative endeavors

– Limitations of currently existing creative platforms

– Creating various learning fora using Myriad Social’s “experience” feature

– A step-by-step guide on how to use the experience feature to create learning groups

– Conclusion

The importance of feedback on creative endeavors

If you are a creative worker, say a photographer, graphic designer or a writer, chances are you’ve already recognized that the only way you can get better at what you’re doing is by getting constant feedback on your work from other people. This way, you can know the areas in which you’re already excellent and the areas in which you still need improvement.

Photographers and graphic designers can do this by uploading the popular visual arts platform Flickr, while writers can publish their works on their blogs. Then, they just need to ask other people to give feedback on their works by leaving comments on the comment section.

Limitations of currently existing creative platforms

These platforms, however, have limitations when it comes to giving and taking feedback for learning purposes. For instance, professional photographers use Flickr mostly to sell their photographs or display samples of their works. In the platform, or in a personal blog, you also cannot state explicitly your intention to learn from other creatives and request other users to leave feedback.

Usually, when you use these platforms, you then will still have to share your photos/entries in another social media platform like Facebook or Twitter to get people’s attention. So they will look at your creations and leave their feedback. This is an inefficient two-way step.

Create various learning fora using Myriad Social’s experience feature

But you can create a creative learning forum by making use of Myriad Social’s experience function, where you can find fellow creative people and explicitly state your intention of creating a forum where you can comment on each others’ work. And why Myriad Social instead of Facebook or Twitter?

Because, at Myriad Social, you can also receive tips for your contents and/or your contents for other people’s contents. Furthermore, you can simultaneously sell your photographs/graphic design/music/writing as digital assets on Myriad Social. So it’s a very comprehensive content-sharing platform run on Web3 where you can monetize from your contents very efficiently.

By giving and receiving tips for your comments/feedback on each others’ works, you can also acknowledge and appreciate each others’ creative expertise, which allow you to become better at your craft.

A step-by-step guide on how to create learning fora on Myriad Social

Now, let us show you how to create such learning groups using Myriad Social’s experience feature.

– First, go to the experience section and click “+create experience”.

– You’ll be taken to a page called “create a new experience”. Fill out the top two boxes to give your experience a name and some description on what your learning group is about. Let’s say I want to create a learning group on how to make reels.

– Don’t forget to include hashtags so more people can easily find you. These hashtags will also be included in posts related to the experience you’ve created, so members of the same forum can find each other.

– And now, find your people! Can you see the “people” box down there? You can tag your friends whom you know will be interested in joining your learning group so they can easily find it through your experience.

– Initiate the learning process by adding posts to your experience. This way, you can be the first one to share your work and ask feedback from other people. Then, click the “create experience” button.

– And that’s it! You’ve successfully created a new experience! Now, each time you share a reel on Myriad Social for other people to comment on, don’t forget to use the hashtags associated with your experience.


Using Myriad Social, you can find your own people, who are also interested in upping their creative ante, to create a learning space together, all in a single platform, so you can become better at your craft over time.



Myriad Social

Journalist and promotional copywriter at The Jakarta Post