Community: Taking Initiative

Professional Llama
Published in
2 min readJan 9, 2022
Season 2 Champion NFT

Special thanks to community Citizen Raho (Discord ID: raho#0007) for writing the following article and contributing to the Typhoon raise!

On December 30th, 2021 one of the Zapper community Myrmidon’s Professional llama took to Twitter to celebrate the commencement of the Zapper Season 2 Rewards by generating 222 Zapper Champion’s Series NFT’s. Out of the 222 NFT’s generated, 22 of these NFT’s were posted for a giveaway on Twitter, and an additional 5 were added after Zapper community Citizen Raho donated 5 NFT’s personally in an effort to extend the giveaway! Most notably: 100% of the proceeds are to be used in an effort to supply the victims devastated by Typhoon Rai with food and clean water!

The team at has established a reputation of generously giving back to their community over several occasions in the past, and that seems to have instilled a sense of generosity in the community they have created.

At the time of writing, there are 67 unique owners of the Zapper Season Two Champion NFT. At a cost of 10 DAI each, the auction netted 56 sales, for a total of $547.38 (after Opensea’s 2.5% fee on every sale).

In order to visualize the size of the Zapper Community member’s impact, we have broken it down in a spreadsheet below.

In just a few days, the Zapper Community members were able to provide an estimated 315 meals to the victims of Typhoon Rai!

The success of the community instantly got members talking about what kind of social impact we could have, if we organized and planned something similar to this.

In the days following the giveaway; Myrmidon Professional_llama and citizen Raho, while blown away with the success that the effort had amassed, started brain storming ideas to expand these efforts and help even more people out!

Given the incredible community foundation that the has, it is safe to say that: the possibilities and extent of our reach as community members are truly endless!

So What Can We Accomplish As a Community Next?

Raho, Professional llama and the Myrmidons would like to hear from any additional community members that may be interested in helping out! There has been a few ideas already, but we would like to invite more people to get involved in the organization and development of future community initiatives!

If this is something you would like to be involved in, please don’t hesitate to contact either one of us on Discord or Twitter at the links below!

Raho0993 Twitter

Llamaverse Twitter

Zapper Discord

(Please Note: This is a community effort, and was not started by, nor was it endorsed by

