Five benefits of having mental health champions in the workplace

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3 min readMar 25, 2021

The workplace environment is where you spend a good part of your day, whether working from home or at the office. In order for all employees to be as productive as they can be, they must feel supported. Our mental health can largely impact our productivity at work, therefore implementing a Mental Health Champion program can really make a difference.

What is a Mental Health Champion?

The idea behind Mental Health Champions is to provide advice and support for all employees. It is a volunteer-based position that can be taken in turns within a company, so anyone can be a Mental Health Champion. They are not considered as experts in mental health, rather they are here to guide a colleague to the right kind of help and support they might need.

A program for Mental Health Champions is first created specifically for the company, then developed and implemented, and lastly, monitored regularly. Mental Health Champions are here to bridge the gap between employees and employers, giving each other a safe space to talk and to harness human connection minus seniority.

5 benefits of having mental health champions in the workplace

Preventive approach to mental health challenges

Having Mental Health Champions in your workspace can raise awareness about certain mental health issues that can happen at work and what you can do to prevent them.

Safe place to talk

A Mental Health Champion should feel like a safe space to confide in. They can help you uncover the first signs of any issue you might have and the next steps to take, guiding you towards the best kinds of support you might benefit from.

Reduce stigma and fear of judgment

Because each employee will in turn volunteer for this position, this will build empathy within the company, but also provide a voice for those who are more anxious and apprehensive to speak up.

Improve wellbeing in the workplace

Mental Health Champions will also collect input, provide reports and insights into what can be refined or improved within the wellbeing and mental health program.

Proof of commitment to employee wellbeing

By training Mental Health Champions within a company, this shows that they are taking their employees' mental health and wellbeing seriously. Most organisations that have well-structured wellbeing programs have much happier and productive employees.

On the Sanctuary App, you can find lots of useful advice for a more productive and mindful workday. Check out our website to find out more about our app and how our programmes can help your company 👉




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