Sanctuary’s 30 Day Mental Health Challenge

Maud de Rohan Willner
Published in
5 min readOct 6, 2020

2020 has been a very challenging year, to say the least, so it’s even more important to focus on our mental health. We’ve created this 30-day challenge for you to have a go at taking care of your mind, body and soul for 30 days. These steps don’t require much, they won’t take up long and you’ll feel amazing when you’ve completed it! And if you don’t feel like you can follow this for 30 days, just go over the list and pick one every so often and have a go at it.


1. Do a deep breathing exercise. Here are a few:

10min breathing exercises for beginners with Livitay, click here or here.

Follow breathing sessions on Instagram Live guided by one of our partners ‘Breathe with James’, more information here.

2. Listen to some of our amazing podcasts hosted by our Sanctuary founders.

Here are some of our episodes:

Finding Purpose with Alex Staniforth, and adventurer, speaker, author and charity ambassador.

A Transatlantic Journey with Laura and her 3,000 mile rowing challenge.

A Story of Self-Acceptance with John Furno, founder and creator of “A bundle of sticks magazine”, sharing stories to help & inspire the LGBTQ+ community.

Why one CEO went from board rooms to wellness retreats, with Sammy Rubin, CEO and founder of Yulife.

Find more here.

3. Do 30mins yoga.

Let your body flow between poses, you don’t need to do anything too complicated if your body won’t allow it. Let yourself go and just focus on the areas you feel need to stretch.

4. Go to bed 30mins earlier than usual.

Sleep allows us to regain the energy needed for the next day. Instead of scrolling through social media, or watching TV late, why not try to go to sleep a little earlier than usual. If you are finding it difficult, you can try this Guided Meditation to help you sleep with Livitay.

5. Sign up to our WhatsApp weekly meditation.

We created an amazing FREE meditation program so you can receive guided sessions weekly directly to your phone! Sign up here.

6. Have a phone-free night.

7. Bake tasty treats for yourself or for friends and family.

Here are some recipes to try:

Deliciously Ella’s Simple Oat Cookies

Bon Appetit’s Earl Grey Yogurt Cake

Food 52 Lazy Mary’s Lemon Tart

Savory & Sweet Food’s Flourless Almond & Coconut Cake

8. Do a 10min meditation.

Either follow our WhatsApp meditations sent to your phone (sign up link above!) or here are some other suggestions:

Livitay Kindness meditation

10 Minute Morning Meditation for Clarity, Stability, and Presence

9. Write down on a piece of paper how your day went, any feelings you went through, the good and the bad. Then crunch the piece of paper in your hands and throw it in the bin.

It can feel nice to put your thoughts into writing, knowing that no-one will ever read them. This might be a really good way for you to take a step back and observe how you are feeling. If you enjoyed this short exercise, why not start a journal where you do this every day?

10. Do something outside.

Go to a park, meet with a friend, go to an outdoor market, go for a run… There are plenty of things to do outside!

11. List 5 things that you are grateful for today.

12. Make a healthy soup.

Soups are one of the easiest things to make and you don’t need much! They are so satisfying to cook too, perfect for this weather.

13. Call a friend who you haven’t spoken to in a while.

Catch up with someone else, ask them how they are doing. It’s easy to focus on ourselves too much, but it’s important to take time to care for others by being supportive and attentive.

14. List 5 nice qualities about yourself.

15. Go for a 15min walk.

16. Treat your body and relax.

Take a bath or hot shower, put on a face mask, pamper yourself.

17. Clean and organise your home.

Tidy home = tidy mind!

18. Try something new!

Go for a run if you never do, try a little gardening, go to a new restaurant, try some photography, change the furniture around your home… Try something new and get out of your comfort zone.

19. Learn something new

Watch an online video to learn a new skill. This is slightly different to the previous exercise, as you are growing your knowledge. Start learning a new language, improve your photography skills, learn how to make bread, fix a button on a coat…

20. Laugh!

Watch a funny movie, play a board game with friends or family, watch a stand-up comedy show…

21. Take a social media break for one day.

No need to explain this further, we all need this once in a while.

22. Sign up to volunteer for one day for a charity.

There are plenty of charities who need daily volunteers, here are some suggestions in the UK to get your started:

Do It

London Gov Volunteering

Reach Volunteering

Food Cycle

23. Remember to smile more.

Smiling is contagious, try it in the street when you walk past someone!

24. Celebrate how far you’ve come.

List 5 achievements you are proud to have completed in your life so far. Look how much you’ve accomplished!

25. Offer to help a friend or family.

26. Create a bucket list of things you want to do or places you want to see in the next few years.

27. Try a new workout you’ve never done before.

Always doing the same workout every week? Why not change things up by doing something new. Try a yoga workout if you’ve never tried before (and did you know there are many different types of yoga too?), try a focused workout, work on your cardio or a dancing exercise. There are plenty available online for you to try, have fun!

28. Watch a documentary.

Movies are nice, but documentaries can open your eyes on the world and what’s out there. Whether you like architecture, food or world culture, there are so many interesting ones to watch.

Here is Wired UK’s suggestion on 40 of the best documentaries you need to watch.

29. Compliment others.

By complementing others, you will develop a positive and more significant approach towards life. It will make others feel good and bring positivity to your day!

30. Buy a small plant and take care of it, in the same way as you need to take care of your own mental health!

You made it!

Share your accomplishments on social media by tagging #sanctuarymentalhealthchallenge 👏

On the Sanctuary App, you can find lots of useful advice for a more productive and mindful workday. Check out our website to find out more about our app and how our programmes can help your company 👉



Maud de Rohan Willner
Writer for

Hello! I’m a creative food & experience designer based in London, UK. I enjoy writing about food, wellbeing, our sensory experiences and creating stories.