Your work from home mental health?

Published in
3 min readJun 22, 2020

Out attention is drawn in so many ways. There are loads of blogs like this one, imploring us to focus on our productivity, creativity, physical health and family. How do we do it all? How do we find time in our days to add mental health to this long list of priorities?

Across this 2 part blog series, we will try and persuade you why prioritizing our mental health will help us in all other areas of our life.

1. Forgiving yourself

A lot of what we have been hearing at Livitay is around the difficulty of blending work and personal life. How to focus when working from home? If anyone reading this is like the Livitay team when we start procrastinating, we start thinking about why we are procrastinating, and then we start thinking about thinking and then…. we get stressed because we have wasted so much time doing nothing. This then stresses us out more…. and so on.

With so many distractions at home, if you are a parent it can be young children, or maybe a tempting Netflix show or maybe you just need to call it early one day, we can all get easily distracted. The first thing we need to do is be forgiving of ourselves. “You are not working from home, you are at home during a pandemic trying to work”. Don’t beat yourself up about finding it difficult to work consistently in a new environment. As soon as we realise this, we can then move forward on how to focus better whilst working from home.

2. Battling Stress

Life gets overwhelming sometimes. We can feel like the jobs and tasks we have are getting on top of us. It all gets too much. Now, this can happen when life seems “normal” or when we go about our day to day lives but add in the tragic situation of a global pandemic, tumultuous social circumstances, and the burdens of economic depression, we all of a sudden have lots of reason to be more stressed than usual. So it begs the question, what should we do about it?

If there was one easy answer to this question, stress wouldn’t be a thing! Remember, you need to find what works for you but we have a couple of suggestions to get you started:

Gratitude Journal — Simple, easy and proven. This involves writing 5 things down that you are grateful for each day and it functions as a great reminder as to what is meaningful to you.

Wellbeing Journal — On the Livitay app, we let individuals journal and keep track of how they feel day to day. Being honest with yourself about how your feeling is the best first step to finding the things that help you.

Digital Detox — Take a break from your digital life. Reconnect with nature and the things that matter to you. Life through social media can stress us out more and to take time away is no bad thing.

Find out more here —

3. Reach out

Mental health has never been more talked about. COVID19 has forced companies to acknowledge how people are feeling and what they are going through at the moment.

We at Livitay are always encouraging companies to reach out to their teams but like with all successful communications between companies and their employees; it has to work both ways. If you feel stressed, overwhelmed or simply need to take a deep breath, reach out to your organisation.

Tell your manager or HR person how you are feeling, ask for the company’s mental health policy and if they don’t have one, ask why. Companies will be more receptive now about issues around mental health so reach out…

Work-Life Balance Course — We have just launched a new work-life balance course on the Livitay app diving into these topics in more detail! If you would like to know more jump in contact here —




On a mission to improve our generations enjoyment of life through a healthier and happier workplace.