Hormones are the worst nightmare of Women: Hormonal acne

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4 min readJun 27, 2024

We know it is affecting our life daily but just in case I wanted to explain it in more details. You will see more and more and learn more and more in time and you can see how it works. While I do that I will show you a site for more skincare products that is good and kind of modern.

The underlying cause of acne is important

Adolescence nightmare; acne… Acne formation, especially seen in oily skin, is an important skin problem for young people. There are many reasons for acne formation. High and hypersensitivity of androgen hormones, increase in sebaceous gland secretions, and increase in the number of cells in the hair follicle are the main reasons. In addition to hereditary and hormonal reasons; It may also occur due to environmental factors such as hygiene, food, and humid environment. The underlying cause of acne formation must be determined by a doctor. It is known that acne problems, especially seen in adult women, may be due to hormonal problems.

It can also be seen after the age of 20

Acne treatment can take months or even years in some cases. It is also seen that it passes spontaneously in some people. When it starts at a very early age, it tends to be more severe. Sometimes it can continue after the age of 20 and is more severe in men. Since the treatment takes a long time, the patient’s compliance is very important. Each person needs special treatment. When deciding on treatment, first the level of acne is determined. The method and duration of treatment vary depending on whether it is mild, moderate or severe. However, dermato-cosmetic products can be used in addition to medical drugs at all levels. It is possible for a person to get rid of acne problems in a short time with the accompanying skin care.

Drug use in acne treatment

Retinoid group drugs; In severe acne problems, it is taken orally under the supervision of a dermatologist. The most common problem when taking these drugs is; It is the dryness it causes in the skin and eye mucosa, especially the lips and nose. In people receiving this acne treatment, liver functions should be evaluated by blood checks at certain intervals. To reduce drug-related side effects, people should use appropriate lip protection creams and facial care creams. At the same time, as in people with other acne problems, it is necessary to use oil-free sunscreens suitable for the skin type in order to prevent acne scars from increasing, sunspots to occur, and to protect the skin that becomes sensitive due to medication.

Beware of acne in adult women

Acne is a disease that can develop due to hormonal reasons. If acne occurs frequently, especially in adult women, hormone tests must be performed. Acne and hair growth occur in women with polycystic ovary syndrome. In this case, acne treatment should be done under the supervision of a dermatologist. People with acne want to reduce the visibility of acne with make-up as well as skin care. It is important that the products chosen for make-up are dermato-cosmetic products and should be applied lightly. These types of products have properties between drugs and cosmetics, control the oil balance and have therapeutic properties.

Does acne go away what about scars?

When acne is left untreated, the risk of scarring increases. In particular, playing with one’s face, squeezing and scratching the acne increases the likelihood of acne scarring. In particular, any pimples above the line where the earlobe and lips meet should not be squeezed. Since the blood vessels in this area are directly connected to the brain, excessive play with pimples here may even cause brain damage.

So which method should be used for acne treatment? Here are the dermatological methods used in acne treatment:

  1. Carbon peeling: It is a method that is used both in treatment and in eliminating redness that occurs after acne and can be applied to all skin types. It is carried out using fruit acids and ensures that the problematic upper layer of the skin, which has lost its freshness, is peeled off. Carbon peeling, which can be done in 4 sessions in a month, can be applied in 1–10 sessions depending on the skin problem.
  2. Fractional laser treatment: The skin is revitalized with this method, whose therapeutic effects last for 6–12 months. This method, which is effective in removing acne scars, is applied in 3–5 sessions of 15–20 minutes. It is considered normal to experience redness and a burning sensation on the face within the first 24 hours, and these complaints are reduced with moisturizing creams. It is important to use high factor sunscreen after this application, which should not be preferred in summer months.
  3. Dermaroller: With an extremely thin and tiny needle, tiny holes that are too small to be seen with the naked eye are opened on the skin, and the acne-prone skin is expected to repair itself with the help of the released platelets. The serum, which is determined according to the condition of the person’s skin, is used after this process and the person is treated by ensuring that the serum is absorbed 200 times more than normal. Dermaroller acne treatment can be applied once a week or once a month, depending on need.

Hopefully this did help you realize what is hormonal acne.


Hoping for the best skin…

