How to Start A Skincare Routine for Beginners in 3 Steps

Ceren Ugras
Published in
3 min readApr 7, 2024

If you never tried to create a skincare routine for yourself until now, and wondering how to build the best skincare routine for your skin, you are in the right place. While it seems so easy to find the right products, since there are a lot of trends and products, it might be challenging to find clean and harmless skincare products. In this guide, we will clear up the question marks from your head about creating a beginner’s skincare routine by taking 3 simple steps.

1. Determine Your Skin Type

First things first, understand your skin type. It is the most important stage while building a skincare routine for beginners. Every skin type has its own different needs, therefore you need to meet with them with different ingredients and products. Basically, there are 4 different skin types which are oily, dry, combination, and normal skin. Wash your face wait for approximately 20 minutes and check how your skin feels. According to this guide, you will have detailed information about which skin type you have and which ingredients to look for while searching for a product.

2. Understand Sometimes Less Is More

If you are introducing your skin to skincare products for the first time, you need to be very cautious. Knowing what your skin type is does not always mean knowing exactly which products will be good for you. You may be allergic to some ingredients, or an ingredient that has a very good effect on everyone may cause various rashes or burns in you. Therefore, especially for a beginner skincare routine, fewer products and fewer steps may have more beneficial effects. Start your routine with the three most basic products: cleanser, moisturizer, and sunscreen, and add over time where you deem necessary. First, you should cleanse your skin, then moisturize it and lastly apply sunscreen. If you want to add products such as toner or serum, the order of use should be as follows:

  • Cleanser
  • Toner
  • Serum
  • Eye cream
  • Moisturizer
  • Sunscreen

Remember, not all toners or serums are suitable for daytime use. For example, when using acids such as glycolic acid and AHA/BHA, a break of at least 2 days must be taken and these serums are only suitable for night use. Sunscreen should never be neglected when using such heavy acids. Otherwise, it may damage your skin barrier and cause serious skin burns. Be sure to check clean ingredients you want to use are and do not use more than what is shown in the manual.

3. Stick to The Routine

Sticking to a routine will help you get better results in the long run. Consistency is important, especially for a beginner skincare routine; when you want to use more products in the future, it is much easier to see what is good for your skin and what ingredients are beneficial. If you don’t think you can stick to a 5-step routine every morning and every evening, it may be better to not try to create that routine. Instead, you can simply cleanse your face, apply sunscreen in the morning, and create a longer routine in the evening. It’s entirely up to you to create a routine that fits your lifestyle!

Last Words

You may never need a 10-step skin routine to take care of your skin. By consulting a dermatologist, you can learn your skin type from an expert opinion and get professional skin care advice. Choosing your products with the advice of an expert will help you cause less damage to your skin. In addition, before using the products on your face, steps such as trying them on a small area of an area that may be less irritated, such as the arm, make it easier for you to identify the products and help you protect your skin. Don’t forget to remove your make-up before going to sleep and apply sunscreen before leaving the house in the morning!



Ceren Ugras

I'm here to learn, share my knowledge, and spread inspiration!🌟