Natural skin moisturizer at home: coconut oil

Published in
3 min readFeb 23, 2024

Imagine you sitting on a tropical beach (while you already put your spf 50 sunscreen all over your body) and there are coconut trees around you. One falls on your head, and you realize you could have just used it for your skin instead of buying and spending lots I mean LOTS of money on over-rated social media brands.

Luckily (and unluckily since you do not sit on that beach reading this post) you do not have to have this newton like realization for this, and just read this post until it ends. (hopefully, you won’t get bored but your body your choice…)

Okay let me stop my enchanting story line to attract you and start talking about this miracle moisturizer.

First and foremost we should know how to do it at home. No ladies, gentleman and my non-binary people we are not going to the close by “Rossman” and get it, we are going to do it by scratch. Well you have to leave the house obviously though (if you do not live w coconuts that is).

After securing the most important ingredient we should crack it open, (no way, Sherlock).

Next take the coconut “meat” into a blender with its milk some water and blend ‘em all around 3 minutes until it thickness. Then strain it with a thin cloth from its meat and juice. Put it into a pan with low heat making it all browny shade.

Listen carefully this process might take around 2 hours but nothing comes easily in this life, so a person gotta do watcha’ gotta do for its skin under budget.

Simmering our beautiful mixture for a while now the oil and the milk part most probably separeted from each other. Use a metal mesh strainer and separate those… Those I mean the milk and the oil…

AAaandd!! There comes the virgin coconut oil at home!!! Gimme the drums for this entrance please and thank you!!! Since it is completely homemade it might have some chunks in it, don’t worry and just keep it in the refrigerator.

The amount can change but it must be around one cup for each coconut!

You may ask, “Lily, what in the world are we going to use it for?”. The grand answer is everything to be honest but let me make it easier for you ❤

  1. HAIR! You can put it in your hair while you do your daily chores with a “sleek bun” ;) It will help your hair to gain its shine while not making it oilier then ever!!
  2. You can eat it!! For real though it is a bit out of topic but most studies does show coconut oil’s benefits for especially cardiac diseases!!
  3. Wound healing! Who doesn’t get a cutie pie shaving wounds while anxiously getting ready for a date? Coconut oil will come to your help not even for the wounds but making your skin softer like a new born too!!! (Good Luck on that date tho!!!)
  4. Effect on Dermatitis, in basic words to explain this curicial skin disease, the skin loses its water holding capacity then it leading to the de-hydration of our poor skin. For this coconut oil has proven it effects with including topical effect of virgin coconut oil!

LOOK AT THIS EFFECTS!! Now you can definitely say it was worth two hours in your lifetime!! Imma cross my fingers that you take my advice and make your own virgin coconut oil at home and change your life with it! See you next time.


Hoping for the clearest skin…

