Skincare Tips for Boulder, Colorado

Jeera Sinsuat
Published in
5 min readJun 8, 2024

Boulder, Colorado is located on the foothills of the Rocky Mountains, a beautiful city, bustling with vibrant energy. The community is known for maintaining an active lifestyle and its health-conscious population. Boulder is filled with scenic hiking trails for outdoor recreation enthusiasts, however, this environment presents a unique challenge for one’s skin: a high-altitude, semi-arid climate. This article will discuss how to navigate the seasons in Boulder, Colorado to maintain a radiant complexion while embracing the city’s active lifestyle. For more skincare and beauty tips head on over here.

Boulder’s charm is undeniable. It has easy access to natural wonders such as the iconic Flat Iron rock formations that are great for hiking and rock climbing. The Chautauqua park is a historical landmark that offers trails, cultural events, and breathtaking views. Downtown is so full of life, where you can find the Pearl Street mall bustling with cute artisanal stores and street performers. Farmer’s markets offer fresh produce and local goods. Boulder is also home to the iconic Colorado Shakespeare Festival, and numerous other arts and music events.

The Flat Irons | Source: Boulder Colorado USA

Seasonal Skin Care Strategies for Boulder’s Semi-Arid Climate

To understand Boulder’s semi-arid climate and how it affects the skin, we must understand the city’s four distinct seasons. A key factor to consider is its high altitude towering over 5,400 feet above sea level. This elevation affects the air pressure which leads to lower humidity levels year-round compared to states. Very low humidity results in dry air which can be a significant challenge for skin health. To keep your skin glowing throughout the year, this is how you can adapt your routine to Boulder’s changing seasons:

Spring can be enjoyed between March to May, where the average highs are in the 40s F to low 60s F. This transition season in Boulder offers a warm and wet season. While the increased moisture is welcome, dryness and sun damage are common skin concerns. Choose a gentle non-foaming cleanser to remove build up throughout the day without stripping your skin of its natural oils. A lightweight, hydrating moisturizer that contains hyaluronic acid or ceramides is recommended. Consider incorporating a weekly hydrating mask for an extra moisture boost, especially after outdoor adventures. As the sun begins to shine brighter, always remember to apply sunscreen with at least SPF of 30.

Street Performer along Pearl Street | Source: Boulder Colorado USA

Summer in Boulder is characterized by long, warm, and dry days with highs of 70s F to low 80s F. Days are filled with sunshine with potential for strong winds. Sun damage, hyperpigmentation, and increased oil production due to sweat and heat become skin concerns. A gentle cleanser and lightweight moisturizer is always a go-to especially during hotter months. If you struggle with acne during the summer, you may use a gentle exfoliant such as an Alphahydroxy acid (AHA) or Betahydroxyacid (BHA) once a week. When using exfoliants, the skin may become sensitive, therefore using a broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF 50 or higher, reapplied frequently throughout the day, is strongly advised. Never underestimate the effects of dehydration on the skin. Remember to have your water bottle nearby and keep sipping throughout the day to boost hydration from the inside out.

Bike Trail | Source: Boulder Colorado USA

Fall in Boulder brings comfortable temperatures with average highs of 60s to low 70s. As the Dryness and irritation caused by strong winds in the city can become a skin concern. To adapt to this season, use a hydrating serum with niacinamide after cleansing your face and choose a richer moisturizer with glycerin and ceramides to lock in that hydration. Remember to always use sunscreen regardless of the season! On cloud cast days, an SPF 30 would suffice.

Sawhill Ponds | Source: Boulder Colorado USA

Winter in Boulder is characterized with snow covering the city and chilly crisp temperatures start to fill the air. However, these beautiful winter days don’t come without challenges for your skin. Extreme dryness, chapping, and even eczema flare-ups may occur due to these harsh winter conditions. To avoid further irritation, keep your skin care routine simple with a gentle moisturizer. Use your regular serum if any, and seal all of that hydration in with a rich, emollient moisturizer to combat dryness and protect your skin’s barrier. Despite the shorter daylight between December to February, snowy days can actually exacerbate the damaging effects of sunlight on the skin as the light bounces off of the white snow. You already know the drill, wear your sunscreen even during the colder months!

Eldora Mountain Resort | Source: Boulder Colorado USA

Other Tips

Take advantage of Boulder’s vibrant farmers markets that offer a bounty of fresh, local produce. A diet rich in fruits and vegetables boosts your skin with essential nutrients that help you glow from the inside out. Embrace the active lifestyle that Boulder offers. Exercise does wonders for improving circulation, reducing stress, and boosting healthy hormones leading to a healthy, radiant complexion.

Farmer’s Market | Source: Boulder Colorado USA

Adapting your skincare routine can be easy by understanding Boulder’s unique climate first of all. It is a charming city with an active spirit and rich culture. Stay hydrated, moisturized, and nourish your body with a healthy diet to maintain glowing skin all year round while enjoying this beautiful city.

