Understanding Sunscreen: exploring the difference between mineral and chemical formulas for sun protection

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3 min readApr 4, 2024

Ultraviolet radiation affects human skin almost constantly. It can be direct (when the sun is shining in clear weather) or indirect (on foggy days). However, it has a negative effect on the skin in any case: the rays trigger the release of free radicals, which in the long term can lead to cell damage and premature aging of the skin. Sun protection plays an important role in skin care and preventing premature aging and UV-induced skin damage. One of the key tools in the fight for healthy skin is sunscreen. There are two main types of sunscreen: mineral and chemical sunscreens. Let’s look at the difference between the two and understand which type is right for you.

Mineral sunscreen

Mineral sunscreens, also known as physical sunscreens, contain active ingredients such as zinc oxide and titanium dioxide. They work by creating a barrier on the surface of the skin that reflects and scatters UV rays, protecting the skin from the sun’s rays.

Benefits of mineral sunscreens:

  • Safety: Mineral sunscreens are considered safer for the skin and body because they are not absorbed into the skin and do not cause allergic reactions.
  • Immediate effect: Because mineral creams create a physical barrier, they begin to work as soon as they are applied to the skin without taking time to absorb.
  • Broad spectrum protection: Zinc oxide and titanium dioxide provide protection against both UVA and UVB rays.

Chemical sunscreens

Chemical sunscreens contain organic compounds that absorb into the skin and absorb UV radiation, converting it into heat energy and preventing the rays from penetrating the skin.

Advantages of chemical sunscreens:

  • Easy and convenient application: Chemical creams are easily absorbed into the skin and usually leave a lighter, more comfortable feel on the skin.
  • Large selection of formulas: Chemical sunscreens offer a wide range of formulas with different textures and additional ingredients such as antioxidants and moisturizing ingredients.
  • Transparency on the skin: Because chemical creams are absorbed into the skin, they usually don’t leave a white residue or film on the surface of the skin.

Which one to choose?

Choosing between mineral and chemical sunscreens depends on your individual needs and preferences:

  • If you have sensitive skin or prefer natural formulations, mineral creams may be a better choice.
  • If you’re looking for a light texture and the ability to use makeup over sunscreen, chemical formulas may be preferable.

Most technologists believe that only a combination of filters provides optimal protection. And if there is no individual reaction to chemical filters, it is better not to give up on them. Especially when the skin is light-colored and you need an SPF above 30.

It is important to remember that the effectiveness of sunscreen depends not only on the filter, but also on how correctly you use it. “The stated SPF will be such only if the product is applied correctly — 2 mg per 2 square centimeters of skin.

On average, this corresponds to half a teaspoon or two strips of cream according to the “two-finger rule”, spread over the entire face, ears and neck. With insufficient coverage, even the most effective products will not work 100% of the time

Sunscreen is a key element of healthy skin care and protection from harmful UV radiation. Choosing between mineral and chemical formulas depends on your individual preferences, skin type and care requirements. It is important to choose a cream that not only provides effective sun protection, but is also suitable for your skin, ensuring its health and beauty for years to come.

