What Is Skin Minimalism and Why Is More Than Just A Trend In 2024?

Lucia Lazzaro
Published in
4 min readMar 3, 2024

While it’s true that complete and efficient skincare routines require a set of diversified skincare products, it doesn’t necessarily have to be this way.

You can target your skin problems with little to no effort if you know how to properly apply skin minimalism, only using what is needed and nothing more. Now let me guess…You are probably thinking: “ But I have a lot of skin concerns! I need a lot of products to go with If I want clear and healthy-looking skin.” Well, I am here to tell you this is definitely not the case. We’ll explore some of the common skin issues and how you can target all of these by applying Skin Minimalism in your skincare routine, without feeling like you are missing something.

Skin Minimalism presents itself as the way to go this 2024, and far from being just another trend passing by, this one is here to stay. So let’s have a look:

What Is Skin Minimalism?

Its meaning comes as pretty predictable: Skin + Minimalism implies we should opt for a minimum amount of skincare products. Another way of saying “less is more”. To apply Skin Minimalism in your skincare routine means addressing your skin needs in a different yet sustainable way.

How To Approach Skin Minimalism?

To be able to properly apply Skin Minimalism we must follow some principles taking into account our basic skin needs: cleansing, nourishment, and sun protection.

Cleansing: the first step for a glowing skin. Start by washing your face in depth to get rid of all the impurities. For this you must carefully choose a cleanser that leaves your skin feeling smooth and clean.

Nourish: it is an essential part of a good skincare. Skin can easily become dry due to harsh weather, exfoliating way too much, or cold/hot water, among other things. Hydration twice a day must be the norm if you want super-hydrated skin.

Sun protection: another must to include in your skincare routine. Sun damage is related with skin cancer, dark spots, and signs of accelerated aging in general. So make sure you apply extra sun protection 50 at least 30 minutes before exposure to the sun. Remember, just because it’s winter you shouldn’t stop using it.

Simple Steps To Include Skin Minimalism In Your Skincare Routine:

Quality over quantity: For example, if you are eager to try one specific serum, wait until you finish the one you already have. Or try to stick with one brand that works best on your skin for some time, before thinking about buying a new one. It might sound obvious, but with a saturated market and so many options out there, the reality is that we tend to over buy.

And let’s face it: We almost never finish our products before the expiration date. So, it is always better to have one high-quality product rather than a pile of skincare products that we didn’t even have the chance to try.

Just the basics: It might be tempting to go for the new clearing serum and the exfoliating pads you’ve seen advertised… but honestly ask yourself: Do I really need it ? Is it going to change my skin for the better in the long run?

We are wired to get bored of things easily and go in search of brighter, newer options. So it is understandable we want to try it out all. But this is exactly the opposite of what Skin Minimalism is all about. Remember the rule: cleansing, nourishment, and sun protection. If you already have the products to cover the basics then you are on the right path. Do not over-do. You’ll thank me later. (Ps: your economy will thank me as well!)

Choose Multi-Purpose Products: I’d say If you didn’t try this life-changing hack you should definitely start today.

The benefits of going for multi-purpose products are endless. For example, if you are looking to target your wrinkles and fine lines, but also need to deeply hydrate your skin then you should opt for an Anti-Aging Moisturizer SPF 50. Yes, it fully hydrates your skin while treating signs of age and on top of that, it protects your skin from the UV radiation. This is just an example of endless possibilities.

First, you need to identify your skin type, your skin concerns and then it’s time to start thinking about the right products that will cover at least two or three of your basic skin needs.

We are talking about a whole different approach when it comes to skincare, and yes, it might take you out of your comfort zone but think about all the benefits you could get. This is more than just a passing trend and the reality is, a sustainable future is in our hands. Conscious consumers are changing the world and we believe you could be one of them.

Start by implementing one or two tips, and once you see the positive effects on your skin, you can add even more until you turn to a full minimalist skincare routine.

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