Sketch Plugins That Help Us Getting Things Done

Kamal Nayan
MySmartPrice Design
3 min readApr 22, 2016

One of the major advantages of using Sketch is its vibrant plugin community. Developers/designers continue to release plugins that add new functionality and features into the existing app.

As of now, we’re are at that point of time when we can say “there’s a plugin for that”. Today we would like to mention five Sketch plugins that help us getting things done at MySmartPrice.

1. Sketch Data Populator
Content should precede design. Design in the absence of content is not design, it’s decoration [Cit.]. This plugin helps us ensure that we don’t design UI components without thinking about the data that it will contain.

Sketch Data Populator

2. Preview
Preview for Sketch lets you preview (obviously) mockups in Skala Preview, (app available for iOS & Android). Like data, it’s also important to put designs in perspective by viewing it on screens for which it’s being designed for. It helps us understand better about the constrains that exist on handheld devices.

Skala Preview

3. Sympli
Life saver! Sympli is a collaboration tool (like Zeplin) for designers and developers. You upload your designs and developers can extract specifications, i.e., font-size, colour, etc. They can even download assets from the (web) app, and for that designers simply (no pun intended) need to click on “Export” while they are in Sketch.

Make pixel perfect apps. Simply.

4. Craft
Craft takes designing with real data a step further. You can spice up your mocks by using real-time textual information–either from a predefined data-sets or from a website. You can also place images from local folders, Dropbox, Unsplash or any website with just a simple click. Apart from all these, it takes the pain of generating the style guides too!

5. Sketch Toolbox
Managing 4–5 plugins doesn’t require an additional plugin manager, but obviously we have lot more plugins installed on our systems. Sketch Toolbox has an interface that lets you search, install and uninstall plugins directly form the app.

Sketch Toolbox

Honorable Mentions

– Send to Slack
– Sketch Better Android Export
– Measure
– Sketch Contrast Color Analyser
– Sketch Runner

» Sketch Extensions Library

What are your favourite Sketch Plugins you use everyday? Let us know in the comments below.

