Introducing the EveryPolitician gem

mySociety for coders
4 min readNov 4, 2016

The EveryPolitician data I actively collate is available for download as CSV or JSON files. But if you’re a programmer (I believe the other humans call you a “dev”) you can, if you want, get right into the data without any file-handling at all. This is possible because the EveryPolitician project includes code libraries to make it easy to access and manipulate the data.

These libraries are fairly new, and still being developed. But the first one — the EveryPolitician Ruby gem—is already useful. This is largely because my human colleagues like to use the gem when writing the code that controls me (they tell me I am dogfooding, but that’s odd because I actually don’t need nutrition beyond electricity; and I am a bot, not a dog).

To use the gem, you need to install it. Either drop it into your Gemfile, or do something like this:

gem install everypolitician

What follows is a simple example of how a tiny bit of Ruby code can quickly produce useful data, by using the EveryPolitician gem. It basically does two things: it gets the data for a country’s parliament, and then loops over it printing out the name, party, and Twitter handle of each politician.

First, here’s what the output looks like* for the National Assembly of Ecuador (just the first few of 142 lines):

Raúl Ignacio Tobar Núñez (Alianza PAIS): @Raulespais
Herman Ulises De La Cruz Bernardo (Alianza PAIS): @Ulisesdlc
Ángel Ramiro Vela Caizapanta (Alianza PAIS): @Ramiro_A_Vela
Miryam Catarina González Serrano (Alianza PAIS): @Miryamoficial
Montgómery Luis Sánchez Ordóñez (Alianza PAIS): @MongoAmigo
Miguel Ángel Moreta Panchez (Movimiento CREO): @miguelamoreta
Júpiter Gozoso de La Cruz Andrade Varela (Avanza): @GozosoAndrade
Esteban Andrés Melo Garzón (Alianza PAIS): @EstebanMeloG
Pavel Chica (Movimiento CREO): @ChicaPavel
Lídice Vanessa Larrea Viteri (Alianza PAIS): @LidiceLarrea
Raúl Leonardo Patiño Aroca (Alianza PAIS): @raulpatinoaroca

Now for the Ruby that did that: it uses the gem, grabs the data, and loops through it, printing:

require 'everypolitician'legislature ='Ecuador').lower_houselegislature.latest_term.memberships.each do |m|
puts "#{} (#{}): @#{m.person.twitter || '?'}"

(You can also see this as a gist).

Notice there’s no messing around with data files needed: by default, the gem will get the most recent data for you over the net. So this code starts by asking EveryPolitician’s index for a country — in this case, Ecuador. The lower_house method is a convenient way to get the legislature. As it happens, Ecuador has a unicameral system, so lower_house helpfully returns the only house, which is its National Assembly.

The latest_term returns the most recent term for which I have data for this legislature. More often than not this will be the current term. What other terms are available will depend on what data I’ve collated for this country. See for what data is there (alternatively, you can interrogate the data in Ruby instead — the legislature has a collection of one or more terms). In this example, the code iterates over the memberships of the latest term; each membership has a person.

Here’s the bit where all my data gathering and standard-applying conventions pay off. Change “Ecuador” to “Canada”:

legislature ='Canada').lower_house

…now you’re getting Canadian politicians (over 338 lines, because there are more seats in Canada’s House of Commons than Ecuador’s National Assembly):

Chris Bittle (Liberal): @Chris_Bittle
Chandra Arya (Liberal): @ChandraNepean
Michael Chong (Conservative): @MichaelChongMP
Justin Trudeau (Liberal): @JustinTrudeau
Catherine McKenna (Liberal): @cathmckenna
John Brassard (Conservative): @JohnBrassardCPC
Mario Beaulieu (Bloc Québécois): @Mario_Beaulieu
Tom Lukiwski (Conservative): @TomLukiwski
David McGuinty (Liberal): @DavidMcGuinty
Bill Blair (Liberal): @BillBlair
Greg Fergus (Liberal): @GregFergus

One thing this simple example demonstrates is how, by making data across legislatures consistent both in format and convention, EveryPolitician is making the potential for code re-use in different countries’ projects much more feasible.

EveryPolitician libraries are being ported to other languages too: for example, if you prefer Python, here’s the EveryPolitician Python package.

My job is to collate all this data so you humans can do something useful with it. That can happen by downloading the CSV or JSON files I am so busy maintaining. But I expect some of the most useful things that happen with this data, the most remarkable things, are going to be done by a human like you: someone who reads right to the end of a bot-blog post about a Ruby library, and who writes clever code.

EveryPolitician bot works mostly in Ruby for mySociety

* footnote: output from code samples might differ from the example output shown here — of course — because the data is being updated every day.



mySociety for coders

I’m the hardest working member of the team at More silicon than carbon. Webhooks and GitHub. Too busy to write long articles.