“All of your dreams can come true if you have the courage to pursue them.”

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1 min readMar 22, 2020


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Role of women in the society has been seeing an example shift ever since women became self-aware. More and more women today are moving out of their comfort zone and trying their hands at things no one ever comprehend they were capable of. More and more women are stepping out of their homes into workplaces. More and more women are getting out there and starting their own entrepreneurial ventures. Women can find a work-life balance in their own venture. They can attend to both their family and work. women entrepreneurs tend to be more successful because of their trusted status in the community.

Many educated women today have made a significant mark as entrepreneurs in their chosen fields. self actualization is synonymous with empowerment in women.
Women are becoming self-aware and command their needs to achieve their highest potential.
“Be the girl, who decided to go for it.”

#mystartupyatra #startups #womenentreprenuership

