Leader and Entreprenuership

Published in
2 min readOct 23, 2020


Leader is an integral part of work and social life. In any situation, when people want to accomplish some goal, a leader is required. Leadership occurs in all formal and informal situations. Leadership is a process by which a person influences others to accomplish an objective and directs the organisation to make it cohesive and coherent. It is the ability to build confidence and zeal among people and create an urge to be led. It inspires confidence and support among group members to achieve the organisational goals. A few extraordinary characteristics are wanted to be developed inside the body of an individual, which no disbelief, have got to build a person good leader by outlook, gesture and performs. Different leaders have different kinds of natural characteristics and give the consciousness of being either energetic, proud, angry, kindly, soft natured or emotional. However there is something wanted to be overcome by all as common characteristics of a leader. We must have strong moral commitments, and never let them waiver. Believe in our self and believe in others. Integrity is the wind against our sail. The stronger our integrity the faster we will get to what we desire and we will not only accomplish much, but will also have a long lasting effect on others.


Entrepreneurship is the process that a person identify a new opportunities for setting up an enterprise to make their dream come true. While an entrepreneur is the one willing to take the risk to start up a business in order to make profit. There are many people misunderstand that successful entrepreneur are born. In fact, is opposite, entrepreneur can be trained to learn entrepreneurial knowledge and skills such as managerial skills, marketing skill and entrepreneurial attitude. Courage, tenacity, innovative, risk taker are some of the characteristics for a successful entrepreneur. They are very important as they create more employment, introducing new technologies and increase efficiency by innovative and creative in generating their products and services as well as contribute to economic growth. There are many real life successful entrepreneurs example such as Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Li Ka Shing and so on. Therefore, with all those necessary skills, knowledge and characteristics everyone could be one of them in future!

Credits — Rashmi D, Bangalore

