<|| Myths of Digital Marketing::- 🛍📲🌐||>

Dona Ghosh Dastidar
Published in
8 min readJul 21, 2021

📍Thinking about digital marketing, it seems simple and easy but always remembers there are certain strands or disadvantages to digital marketing platform and each of the parts of digital marketing needs equal care, support, and attention to maximize their business output and engaging more with their targeted customers. Certain myths surrounding digital marketing are equal to advantages as well disadvantages. You need to always remember that digital marketing although is a perfect platform for allowing your business platform for personnel engagement as well as a business partnership with other global companies, it is also becoming less luxury and more of a necessity as the shift towards digital expands. In today's scenario, everything is digital and technology also plays its role in the digital market. Technology is the reason due to which the digital marketing industry is dynamic in nature. No doubt, marketers have got the advantage of digital marketing to reach out and connect with current and potential customers on a global scale. However, certain myths and misconceptions have surrounded the digital marketing industry which negatively impacts marketers in the global platform.

Basically today the digital marketing industry has evolved into complexity and globally-encompassing entity offering a wide platform engagement with outside clients and also a broader range of options and channels where they could reach and get connected with their consumers on a larger global platform. It is only happening and possibly with today's latest and modern digital online tools like the Internet, social media, emails, websites, etc. But just like all things wonderful, some aspects of Digital Marketing are shrouded under different myths and misconceptions perpetuated by the marketing researchers detectors who really don’t know any better. Many who have to believe in these myths continue to get a grasp into the darker phase of these unknowns myths of digital marketing and missing the perfect and vast opportunities available to them through digital marketing.

While digital marketing has a necessity for a business platform for selling out its company's products and services online, the myths surrounding it often hold back business owners from engaging online and maximizing returns and some of the digital marketing misconceptions that were once believed to be true have been revisiting and founded to be useless in the business platform. Although digital marketing is nothing special in today's platform, many businesses and startups have already transacted online currently and the business owners or starters or entrepreneurs have quickly pivoted to the working functioning online for their business platform. Therefore, it has been a difficult year for some businesses or startups to stay afloat due to this pandemic situation, and certainly many business people or starters have decided to take this difficult time to turn their business side hustles into their main business platform which means that the digital marketing is becoming more and more important and common in the current year. Thus, business owners need to generate their own business leads that allow naturally more sales of their company's products or services. If there is any new business platform or new starters which are approaching digital marketing, it can be a little bit challenging for shifting through loads of information online and figure out what’s actually going to work their business growth.

Here, are some of the myths of certain business individuals or starters for digital marketing platforms::-

a) Myth: Digital marketing is the only marketing that is needed.

:: Although digital marketing is known to be the most important part of marketing strategy, it also needs to allow the platform from overall branding, advertising, and messaging guidelines. Without these certain features, the business won’t be getting fitted into the basic marketing mix of their companies and it will be inconsistent and most likely not produce the results that the owners wanted for their business development. Many customers basically do their research online before allowing their buying decisions and basically don't allow support and return on investment which is produced on traditional marketing or telephone marketing. The time and money that the customers basically contribute to digital marketing as a whole in certain elements like PPC, social, email marketing, etc. basically vary from the industry. Thus, the basic part of the digital marketing campaign is figuring out their customers’ research and buying habits in order to identify the best messages to reach them at every stage of the business cycle.

b) Myth: There are many social media channels for business management.

:: Many companies basically cover every social media channel possibly and having many social media logos spread across their websites makes it impossible for tracking their business partners. However, in certain research, most of the social media channels hardly have any content or conversations going on. Taking a certain step backward, look at your target market and where they spend their time, then take a look at what they are talking about online, get involved in one or two social channels as a starting point, and spend your time interacting on those channels. By properly planning your business strategy, you’ll figure out which digital channels will work best for your business development.

c) Myth: Content Marketing isn't important.

:: Many businesses believe that their business website is running up, the work is finished. In order to make the most of your digital marketing campaign, your website must have relevant updated content that engages your target audience. Having consistent content not only helps you rank higher on search engines, but it sends a positive message to your target audience. Your customers will notice if your last blog post was a year ago this gives your audience the feeling you aren’t interested in their loyalty. Thus, content marketing basically allows building up trust with consumers and people basically read, share, and engage more with their content which is shared through friends and others on whom they basically trust.

d) Myth: One-to-one marketing is impossible.

:: It may seem like an elusive goal for the business platform but one-to-one marketing basically allows personalizing your own digital marketing platform in order to increase your brand’s credibility as a going platform for the company's product or service. Knowing your targeted customers and what makes them happy about those products or services basically allows the market research for allowing more fulfillment of their basic wants and thus, analysis and measurement are key components of digital marketing. Having the recipient’s name in your business emails will basically give your customers a more trustworthy feel for your business platform. Analyzing your own online marketing basically allows the growth and development of the business platform.

e) Myth: Digital marketing is only for big businesses.

:: Some people believe that digital marketing is only for big businesses not for small or medium business platforms. It is a totally wrong myth and it is no doubt that business competition is huge in a digital marketing platform that big businesses can only handle rather than the small efforts of those small or new startups platforms. But it is not true that small businesses can’t handle it at all. Digital marketing is for both small as well as large businesses. Thus, you do need a call center in order to engage with your customers and establishing communication with them. In fact, you can sell your products worldwide without having to establish a physical store.

f) Myth: Bad comments will harm the business platform.

:: Bad comments or wrong feedback from your customers basically can damage your company’s reputation but only when you have an abundance of negative comments than positive ones. But it is not like you need to fear negative comments from displeased users. The thing is you need to alter your thinking. All you need to do is learn how to handle negative comments. When you encounter negative comments, don’t get scared of them rather try to respond to them politely. If you get hyper and respond to something that may offend your customers will create a lot of problems for your business platform engagement.

g)Myth: Mobile optimization is overrated.

:: The importance of having a mobile-friendly website due to the rise in mobile marketing has taken over the years. The convenience of smartphones and tablets can’t be ignored. People are going to come across your online advertisements while on the move and it is imperative that they land on a website that has been mobile optimized. Google also favors websites that are mobile-friendly so not having an optimized website could jeopardize your ranking on search engines, no matter how good your SEO may be. 50% of customers will stop visiting a website if it is not mobile-friendly, that is a large percentage of traffic to lose.

:: Myths always have been around digital marketing for years and there is no way to ever really get rid of them for good, but if the business platform uses the right online tools based on their strategy, then they will be able to spot the differences between myths and facts perfectly. Thus, the online platform is basically filled with certain information which can be useful as well as false, so the business owners need to be careful with their market research in order to make any business decisions to include in their digital marketing strategy for their business system.


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Dona Ghosh Dastidar

📍🎓BBA🏢📍 ✒Blog Writer📍 👩🏻‍💻Intern in Knowlexon Innovation and Technology 📍👩🏻‍💻📒Social Media Marketing Executive at The EarlyBirdsClub