Startup Odisha incubation and acceleration program

Ashwin Palo | Performance Marketer
Published in
2 min readJan 29, 2024

Startup Odisha offers several incubation and acceleration programs to cater to different stages of a startup’s journey. Here’s a breakdown of the key ones:

1. Idea Spark:

Focuses on early-stage ideas and proof-of-concept validation.

Offers workshops, mentorship, and networking opportunities to refine your idea and develop a Minimum Viable Product (MVP).

Duration: 3 months

Benefits: Up to Rs. 1 lakh seed funding, office space, access to prototyping facilities, legal and financial guidance.

2. Odisha Startup Challenge:

Targets growth-stage startups with existing MVPs seeking to scale their business.

Provides intensive mentorship, industry connect, and investor pitching opportunities.

Duration: 6 months

Benefits: Up to Rs. 10 lakh funding, market access support, brand building assistance, and incubation facilities.

3. Startup Oasis:

Designed for mature startups with proven business models seeking rapid growth and expansion.

Offers tailored mentorship, high-value connections, and access to larger funding rounds.

Duration: Variable, based on individual needs

Benefits: Investment facilitation, global market access, strategic partnerships, and business development support.

Additional Programs:

Sectoral Incubators: Focused on specific sectors like IT, healthcare, and agriculture, providing expertise and industry-specific resources.

University Innovation Cell (UIC) Incubation Programs: Supporting student entrepreneurs within university ecosystems.

Women Startup Challenge: Empowering women entrepreneurs through dedicated funding and mentorship opportunities.

Photo by Parij Borgohain on Unsplash


Startup Odisha programs have specific eligibility criteria depending on the stage and sector of your startup. You can find detailed information on their website.

Generally, they require your startup to be registered in India, have a team with relevant skills and experience, and demonstrate a strong potential for growth and impact.

Selection Process:

Applications are typically submitted online, followed by pitching rounds and interviews with mentors and investors.

The selection process focuses on the viability of your idea, team capabilities, and potential for market success.

Overall, Startup Odisha incubation and acceleration programs offer a valuable springboard for startups in Odisha, providing essential support, resources, and guidance to navigate the challenges of entrepreneurial journey.



Ashwin Palo | Performance Marketer

I am a family man with a loving wife and a beautiful Angel.I talk about Marketing, Martech, performance Marketing and Money.