《¤》Sunday vibes with understanding networking:-🏡📲🌐《¤》

Dona Ghosh Dastidar
Published in
7 min readAug 8, 2021

📌Basically, in today's generation, networking is actually used by many of the professionals, industries, and business platforms for expanding their companies circle of acquaintances in order to provide job opportunities based on the employee's working field and allowing an increase of their awareness of news and trends in their respective fields or around the world.

So, in today's Sunday vibes, we gonna learn about the networking platform and understand how networking is allowing a stronger bond or connection among the people throughout the entire world. People generally join the networking groups based on the common points of interest that all members usually share. The most obvious part is the professional affiliation such as stockbrokers, but some people find effective networking opportunities in a college alumni group, a church or social media group, or a private club. For the sudden professionals, the best networking opportunities may occur at the trade shows, seminars, and conferences, which are designed for attracting a large crowd of like-minded individuals. Networking basically allows the professional for keeping up with current events in the field and developing relationships that allow boosting for future business or employment prospects and also providing opportunities for helping other people for finding jobs, making connections, and catching up with the news. Small business owners basically allow the networking for developing relationships with people and companies which may help the business in the future. These networking connections help them for establishing support and trust among people in their own communities. Successful business networking usually involves regular following up with certain contacts in order to exchange certain valuable information which may allow ready availability outside the network. Certain business owners and entrepreneurs usually join their local chamber of commerce in a sudden effort for promoting their business interests and to help others in their community do the same. There are many additional benefits for joining the chamber of commerce, such as receiving deals and discounts from other chamber members, having one’s business listed in the chamber directory, and the ability to influence policies related to the area’s business and economic activity. Professional networking platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Skillshare, etc. basically allows an online location for people to engage with other professionals by joining groups, posting their blogs, and sharing information on the platform with others.

Thus, modern computer networks basically use the protocols based on their packet-mode transmission and the networking packet basically refers to the formatted unit of data that is carried out by the switching of the packet networking platforms and the physical linking of the technological packet networking usually allows limiting of the size of the internet packets in order to a certain maximum transmission unit(MTU). The internet packets consist of two types of data as the controlling information and the user data. The controlling information usually provides data that the network needs for delivering the user data such as the source and the destination networking address, error detection codes, and sequencing information. These days, the business-to-business (B2B) customer pipeline can be developed almost entirely through the use of a social networking site. Online networking forums allow professionals to demonstrate their knowledge and connect with those people who are related to their field. Thus, LinkedIn is considered as the largest professional network and many individuals cater to the particular subsets of people such as Black Business Women Online. Others have a different focus, such as Meetup, which encourages its members to meet in person off-site or virtually through online video conferences. The LunchMeet is a mobile app that usually identifies the folks in their field who are available locally for a meet-up.

Importance of Networking:-

  • Networking basically helps for developing and improving their skill set by staying on top of the latest trends in certain industries, keeping up with the job market, meeting certain prospective mentors, partners, and clients, and gaining access to the necessary resources that will allow fostering with the career development. A stronger and expanding network allows us to insight into the sudden trends as well as insider information on job openings and movement within the company. Social media nowadays makes it easier for allowing to cater the existing relationships as well as making new contacts. Networking allows interaction sessions with different people based on their different professions, nationalities, and cultures which allows us for understanding the broader scope of life. Networking is a greater opportunity for allowing us to practice in order to do usual conversations, communicating clearly, and learning about more people who are around us, and these interactions will basically increase our confidence and get rid of the sudden anxious feelings about starting a conversation with any strangers.

Certain advantages of networking platform:-

a) Enhancing communication and getting information:: Networking with the gaining access on the web platform basically allows certain ways of communication that were usually impossible before it was developed. Nowadays, instant messaging allows the users to talk in real-time and send files to other people wherever they are in the world, which is a huge boost for the business platforms and also access to the vast amount of useful information, including traditional reference materials and timely facts such as news and current events.

b) It allows for more convenient resource sharing:: Networking is very much important particularly for the larger companies that really need to produce huge numbers of resources in order to be shared with all the people around the world. Since the technology involves computer-based work, it is assumed that the resources they wanted to get across would be completely shared by connecting through the networking platform which their audience basically uses in the current scenario.

c)Getting fresh ideas:: Networking usually allows an excellent source of new perspectives and ideas for helping us with our sudden working roles by exchanging information on certain challenges, experiences, and goals which acts as a key advantage of networking because it allows us for gaining new insights. If anyone is struggling with a sudden decision, challenge, or new direction, calling up a trusted former colleague, mentor, teacher, or friend by organizing a coffee talk or general webinar would allow a certain benefit to both of them. Getting offering on sudden helpful ideas in return from the mentors or colleagues is an excellent way to build our reputation as innovative thinkers.

d) Improving our profile:: Getting visible and noticed by the people based on any working field creates a benefit through networking which is essential in career building by regularly attending professional and social events will help us to make our face known to the people and creating value for other attendees by listening carefully, following up on conversations, remembering names, and offering your knowledge and expertise. We can build our reputation being a knowledgeable, reliable, and supportive member of our profession by offering useful information or tips to people who need it. Raising your profile within professional circles will also help you stand out to recruiters, who are always on the lookout for strong talent and who may be more likely to approach you with offers.

e)Gaining more knowledge:: Networking is a great opportunity to exchange best practice knowledge, learning about business techniques, and staying in a certain position of the latest industry developments. It is a good idea for the individuals in order to actively ask their contacts about the recent developments and techniques and also keeping an eye on what kinds of articles their people are sharing on the current platforms and commenting on their articles in order to do a little chatting with them.

  • Thus, the best way for improving certain networking skills is to put yourself out there and give it a try in order to perform well on the online business or other platforms in order to engage with certain people or partners for growing your working platform.


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  • E-MAIL ID 📩:: info@mystartupyatra.com

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Dona Ghosh Dastidar

📍🎓BBA🏢📍 ✒Blog Writer📍 👩🏻‍💻Intern in Knowlexon Innovation and Technology 📍👩🏻‍💻📒Social Media Marketing Executive at The EarlyBirdsClub