Announcing Sui Fullnode

Mysten Labs
Mysten Labs
Published in
2 min readJun 15, 2022

Mysten Labs welcomes you to run your own Sui fullnode on DevNet. This is another step forward in providing robust services to developers and businesses to #buildonsui.

Sui fullnodes:

  • Track and verify the state of the blockchain, independently and locally.
  • Serve read requests from clients.
  • Conduct local app testing against verified data.

Fullnodes enable validators (or miners in other networks) to focus on servicing the write path and processing transactions as quickly as possible. If you would like to become a validator on Sui, running a fullnode is a prerequisite. Documentation of how to set up your Sui fullnode can be found here on GitHub.

Important: For potential validators, running a Sui fullnode is an absolute prerequisite. We encourage auditors, bridges, state mirrors and other interested parties to join us. At this time, we offer no guarantees on performance or stability of our fullnode software. We expect things to evolve and stabilize over time, and we’re seeking feedback in the form of Sui Code Bug issues filed in GitHub for any problems encountered.

Learn more about Sui

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We’re excited about what the future unfolds and invite creators and builders to join us.

*DevNet usage is subject to our Terms of Service.

