February News

Marta Kuz
Mysterium Network
3 min readFeb 23, 2018


Straight to the point: it’s been all about Product, or to be more precise — about the pre-alpha.

We focused on these three goals:

  • Setup and launch our Testnet with Service provider nodes that would be verified by Mysterium.
  • Build CLI for Mysterium Client API testing.
  • Build user friendly VPN app for MacOS.

Results are as follows:

  • We have successfully launched Testnet.
  • Mysterium client is being internally tested on the Testnet, we got the first feedback and found that we need to do some minor tweaks.
  • VPN app for MacOS is built and we’re testing it now.
Testnet dashboard. Testnet now has 3 stable nodes in different countries (enough for testing)
Automated deployment of Testnet network with Ansible

Next week we will expand the group of testers for further improvement.

Other development news:

  • We started testing compatibility of nodes in different operating systems (Ubuntu, Centos, Debian)
  • Aiming to speed up the development process, we set up Travis for build and release automation.
Travis used for build and release automation
  • State was added to Mysterium Client app to have an easier control over ongoing process management
  • Private/public and CA Openvpn keys generation added to OpenVPN server.
  • A lot of small tweaks were done to have a stable VPN app. Our internal testing led to fixing some bugs.

Also, we improved code’s quality for community developers to be able to contribute. See: https://goreportcard.com/report/github.com/MysteriumNetwork/node

Progress with Exchanges

We are investigating existing & new exchanges and getting in touch with those that seem secure, user friendly and generally trusted.

At the same time we receive many proposals from new and untested exchanges with low or no requirements for potential listings. We do not want to rush into such agreements.

Trusted, user friendly exchanges with a big volume will be happy to have MYST listed once the token is used in the product. We are looking for some faster solution but it still takes time.


Our search for a community manager is almost complete, and we hope that during the next week we will be able to share with you some good news.

Also, the team is very happy to have found an in-house accountant who will join us in mid March.

Payments workshop

Is there anything you would like to read more of? Let us know!

Check our Git repo

Visit our website — https://mysterium.network
Follow us on Twitter — https://twitter.com/MysteriumNet

