Mysterium Network — Q3 Roundup & Plan for Q4

Roberto Vis
Mysterium Network
Published in
8 min readNov 11, 2019

Before we give you the latest update, we’d like to take a quick moment to thank our growing community of nodes for their ongoing support and contributions. Your time and effort is endlessly appreciated as you help us launch the next generation of the internet!

The larger our network grows, and the more we spec our requirements from B2B partners, the more we understand just how vital a highly reliable, stable network of residential IPs is to Web 3 infrastructure.

The past few months here at Mysterium have been an ongoing process of testing, learning and implementation.

In the last quarter we:

  1. Grew our network to 176 active nodes
  2. Onboarded 75 node runners to the bounty pilot, who earned an average of €28 each
  3. Began integrating with 3 businesses, who will start sending test traffic through these nodes

At the end of Q3, the entire Mysterium team came together (including our remote team mates) for quarterly think-tank workshops. Our goal was to reflect, collaborate and outline new objectives for Q4 that aligns with our long term vision and elevates our business sustainably.

Following these workshops, the team reached consensus by voting for their favourite ideas.

This quarter, our goals are to:

Launch payments on testnet.

We have been actively researching and developing our own unique P2P payments solution to be integrated with the network. This Layer 2 solution will accommodate frequent micropayments by utilising state channels and function similarly to the Lightning Network (but with a more user-friendly approach).

We hope this P2P system will also realise the utility of the MYST token and this milestone takes us one step closer to this.

Triple our node base.

As the heart of our network, our core focal point has been to grow our node network. Our node pilot is essentially a Research & Development initiative, allowing us to test Raspberry Pi nodes in a home environment and measure the strength, quality and speed of the resulting network.

At the moment, the only traffic which nodes receive in our whitelisted mode is local streaming content coming directly from the Mysterium team.

We are strongly focusing on the UK market, with local boots on the ground to help build up our base there. It is our goal to have at least 200 stable UK nodes up and running by the end of Q4. If you’re located in GB and want a free Raspberry Pi, please reach out to

To maximise our node efforts, we will also:

Launch the (MMN) platform; we want to improve node engagement and retention, creating a seamless user experience.

Self-help support functions and reporting processes mean we are always listening to our node runners and refining product to make it as strong as possible. The MMN dashboard will also track your nodes earnings, bounty payouts and referrals.

Ramp up our referral program; we are seeking out more ambassadors to help us onboard nodes, including influencers who can educate and inspire their communities to help us build the Web 3.

Turbocharge the team

As our network grows, we require more special talent:

– Developers — we’re always on the lookout for Golang developers. If you’re into network security, blockchain, and privacy — you’ll be a fit. Find out how you can shape the internet of the future.

– 1 UK-based cryptocurrency and network security legal specialist — to help us navigate all the compliance and legal requirements or issues we may encounter as a blockchain project.

– 1 node support specialist — to be the first point of contact and ongoing support system for our fast-growing node community.

– 1 business development representative — to help us find new B2B partners and create new revenue streams for Mysterium.

Why join Mysterium and decentralise the internet?

We believe that an internet powered by people is the next stage of its technological and social evolution. That’s why we are building open source, decentralised applications and tools which will empower a global community to self-govern and sustain the web.

Decentralisation is still a work in progress, and producing a truly P2P network is our long term goal. We know that a strong node network can solve the failings of our centralised internet, but first we need a team with strong-will to help us create that network. That’s why we’re looking for more brilliant minds to make this a reality.

Join our team to help us unblock the internet, safeguarding freedom of speech and anonymous expression online.

Before we give you the latest update, we’d like to take a quick moment to thank our growing community of nodes for their ongoing support and contributions. Your time and effort is endlessly appreciated as you help us launch the next generation of the internet!

The larger our network grows, and the more we spec our requirements from B2B partners, the more we understand just how vital a highly reliable, stable network of residential IPs is to Web 3 infrastructure.

The past few months here at Mysterium have been an ongoing process of testing, learning and implementation.

In the last quarter, we:

  1. Grew our network to 176 active nodes
  2. Onboarded 75 node runners to the bounty pilot, who earned an average of €28 each
  3. Began integrating with 3 businesses, who will start sending test traffic through these nodes

At the end of Q3, the entire Mysterium team came together (including our remote team mates) for quarterly think-tank workshops. Our goal was to reflect, collaborate and outline new objectives for Q4 that aligns with our long term vision and elevates our business sustainably.

Following these workshops, the team reached consensus by voting for their favourite ideas.

This quarter, our goals are to:

Launch payments on testnet.

We have been actively researching and developing our own unique P2P payments solution to be integrated with the network. This Layer 2 solution will accommodate frequent micropayments by utilising state channels and function similarly to the Lightning Network (but with a more user-friendly approach).

We hope this P2P system will also realise the utility of the MYST token and this milestone takes us one step closer to this.

Triple our node base.

As the heart of our network, our core focal point has been to grow our node network. Our node pilot is essentially a Research & Development initiative, allowing us to test Raspberry Pi nodes in a home environment and measure the strength, quality and speed of the resulting network.

At the moment, the only traffic which nodes receive in our whitelisted mode is local streaming content coming directly from the Mysterium team.

We are strongly focusing on the UK market, with local boots on the ground to help build up our base there. It is our goal to have at least 200 stable UK nodes up and running by the end of Q4. If you’re located in GB and want a free Raspberry Pi, please reach out to

To maximise our node efforts, we will also:

Launch the (MMN) platform; we want to improve node engagement and retention, creating a seamless user experience. We will soon launch to automate onboarding and provide direct channels for feedback.

Self-help support functions and reporting processes mean we are always listening to our node runners and refining product to make it as strong as possible. The MMN dashboard will also track your nodes earnings, bounty payouts and referrals.

Ramp up our referral program; we are seeking out more ambassadors to help us onboard nodes, including influencers who can educate and inspire their communities to help us build the Web 3.

Turbocharge the team

As our network grows, we require more special talent:

– Developers — we’re always on the lookout for Golang developers. If you’re into network security, blockchain, and privacy — you’ll be a fit. Find out how you can shape the internet of the future.

– 1 UK-based cryptocurrency and network security legal specialist — to help us navigate all the compliance and legal requirements or issues we may encounter as a blockchain project.

– 1 node support specialist — to be the first point of contact and ongoing support system for our fast-growing node community.

– 1 business development representative — to help us find new B2B partners and create new revenue streams for Mysterium.

Why join Mysterium and decentralise the internet?

We believe that an internet powered by people is the next stage of its technological and social evolution. That’s why we are building open source, decentralised applications and tools which will empower a global community to self-govern and sustain the web.

Decentralisation is still a work in progress, and producing a truly P2P network is our long term goal. We know that a strong node network can solve the failings of our centralised internet, but first we need a team with strong-will to help us create that network. That’s why we’re looking for more brilliant minds to make this a reality.

Join our team to help us unblock the internet, safeguarding freedom of speech and anonymous expression online.

Test B2B models

As we increase the supply in our bandwidth marketplace, we are also balancing demand through self sustaining models for our SuperProxy. This quarter, our goal is to have three businesses send their test traffic through our nodes.

From this we will understand both the detailed technical requirements of our network and profitability of the different use cases we are considering.

Now over to you — take a more active role in Mysterium Network!

Our commitment to our community is to grow Mysterium Network responsibly, ensuring its positive effect on Web 3 as it evolves. We value your support and understanding as we expand the number of people working to take Mysterium Network to the next level.

If you’d like to join us in creating the next iteration of the WWW — get in touch with

Original article on Mysterium Network’s blog.

