Step-by-step guide to participate in a Seed round from any Exchange

Paulius Mozuras
Mysterium Network
Published in
2 min readDec 16, 2016

Usually exchanges do not provide a unique ether addresses for their customers. Exchanges send ethers from one of their hot wallet addresses, which belongs to them. So if you send ethers directly from an exchange, we will see that exchange has some balance in Seed round smart contract, but not you. Please Don’t do that!

Thus if you have funds in an exchange, use this guide:

Step-by-Step guide

Step 1: Go to and Generate Wallet. Don’t lose your password, it will not be saved anywhere and you will not be able to recover it.

Step 2: Download private key file and store it safely. Don’t lose it.

Step 3: send Ethers to Your Address from exchange (Kraken, Poloniex, Gemini, etc.)

Step 4: Go to “Send Ether & Tokens” menu. Select wallet file you downloaded at previous step and unlock it.

Step 5: Enter Seed round Address: 0x4f529990b7f3d1fb4152736155e431c96fd86294

Enter amount you want to Send,

Enter Gas Limit 70000 (otherwise transaction might not go through)

Step 6: Send Transaction

