Team Mysterium October Updates

Marta Kuz
Mysterium Network
Published in
4 min readNov 16, 2017


We are catching up with the product development now as the team is back from DevCon3, Mexico, and HR efforts are finally paying off with more people joining Mysterium this month.

Development Progress

Up until now, the development team had a struggle of constantly shifting their focus from development to hiring and back. The hiring process obviously requires tech evaluation of candidates, and tech skills can only be evaluated by tech people. We are happy to say that the second half of November and December will be different for our developers on this regard, since we have more people onboard and some parts of the process have been polished.

  • We continue working on improving VPN security issues found during the initial MVP testing. E.g. we previously published sensitive data in the DiscoveryService, and now Client gets VPN configs through 1–1 communication channel instead of DiscoveryService.
  • ServiceProposals in DiscoveryService got JSON human readable format.
  • Instead of private Node data, DiscoveryService will announce “ServiceProposal” augmented with metadata about the Node’s service.
  • Client picks the wanted Node and fetches its ServiceProposal from DiscoveryService.

For more details, please check our activity on Github.

Progress in HR

Ramunas Norvaisas joined the team as the Product Manager 👏 Having spent more than 10 years in the field, he‘s got a broad experience in project and product management. During the last 4 years Ramunas was a product manager at NFQ, software development company, implementing large-scale internet and mobile solutions in travel, logistics, aviation and commerce sectors. He managed a team of 25–30 Developers, QA and PMs, as they worked on a wide range of projects. Ramunas is motivated by creating value for end users, he is an ambassador of agile process, and a passionate coach, thus a great addition to our team.

Tadas Valiukas is joining us the next week as a developer. He’s got 12 years of experience in IT industry, having started from internet traffic interception and analysis for law enforcement. He worked on various projects in insurance and Telecommunications industries, also built full scale vehicle routing optimization solutions for logistics companies. He’s excited to use his knowledge at Mysterium and eager to learn something new :)

Antanas Masevicius is joining us on the 11th of December as a p2p network developer. He’s got more than 15 years of experience in the field, most of it picked up in the Telecommunications sector. Having started as a software developer, later he chose a system/network admin’s role. During the last 10 years he took a position of CTO at the National Telecommunications Network, designing and implementing data, video and telephony services. He has got an intricate knowledge of telecom network design, network security policies, OSS billing systems and more. Antanas is a great coordinator of software development teams, and still loves to code.

That is not all — we have a few more candidates in the last stage of the hiring process. We are very likely to end the year with two or three other new team members but don’t want to pop champagne before we make final agreements :).

Community Building

Robertas gave a presentation on privacy in DevCon3, Ethereum Foundation Developers Conference. He discussed privacy within Blockchain ecosystem and solutions we propose at Mysterium.

The team joined him on this trip and used a chance to meet people from the Mysterium community, share knowledge and insights with other professionals of the field, also pick up some fresh information from the conference speakers relevant to blockchain development.

So sunny it hurts: team Mysterium with several community members and friends

The conference was also great for connecting with other teams potentially interested in integrating Mysterium into their products, ranging from dApps to regular apps that require privacy and security. We will update you once these connections will turn into something more tangible.

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