TRUE CRIME: The Oldest “Solved” Cold Case and How It Went Unsolved Again



It was December 3rd 1957 when seven-year-old Maria Ridulph went missing on a street corner in Sycamore, Illinois and five months later Maria’s remains were found 100 miles from Sycamore in Woodbine, Illinois. It wouldn’t be until more than 50 years later that the case had what was initially thought of as closure — this turned out to be false closure.

The case was seemingly solved in September 2012 when the police would convict a murderer for the abduction and murder of Maria. This would then be overturned in March 2016 and Maria’s neighbor Jack McCullough would be declared an innocent man in April 2017.

To date the murder remains unsolved and the mystery of Maria Ridulph continues to baffle the Chicago area…

It will more than likely forever be a cold case.

A Piggyback Ride

Seven-year old Maria Ridulph was playing with best-friend Kathy on the first snowfall of the year; when a mysterious man offered Maria a piggyback ride…

Maria’s friend Kathy was the last to see Maria Ridulph alive and the last she saw of Maria was a strange man hoisting her on his back and trotting off down the street. Kathy had gone inside to get some gloves to fight against the harsh cold and when she came back outside on…

