Mystery in History

I Found a Woman’s Memory Box Abandoned in My Barn

Although it was the right thing to do, I regret returning it to her family

Kristina Pulford
Mystery in History
Published in
5 min readJan 3, 2024


Photo credit from Darlene’s yearbook photo.

We bought a house with a pole barn in October of last year. While organizing the barn, I noticed it had a small loft, and there appeared to be something stored in it. I didn’t have a ladder tall enough to reach it, but I was curious, so I bought a new ladder and recruited my husband to assist in this endeavor.

I figured the stored box would be full of old Christmas decorations or some other junk not worth keeping. I assumed the forgotten items would be covered in mice poop and bugs. I was right about the poop and the bugs.

My husband climbed the ladder and handed down a large box. We donned gloves before carefully digging into the contents of the box. While there was evidence of mice and bugs, not all items were destroyed.

Photo by Joanna Kosinska on Unsplash

The box contained old newspaper clippings from the 1960s, cards, photos, brochures, postcards, and love letters. We quickly identified who the box belonged to because her name was everywhere, and it was Darlene. She was…



Kristina Pulford
Mystery in History

Nurse, teacher, writer, mom, wife, friend to animals, lover of books, peloton addict. I have a lot of opinions & I'm ready to overshare. Top writer in parenting