Mystery in History

Write For Mystery in History

Welcome to Mystery in History, a genealogy research and DNA findings publication.

Kristina Pulford
Mystery in History


Image created by author for the publication Mystery in History.

By God, I think she’s done it. I went ahead and started a publication on Medium. But I can’t do it alone. I need your help! I’m calling for submissions. Continue reading to learn more about the who, what, how and why behind this pub.

I’ve been writing on Medium for a year and a half and have published nearly 200 stories. Many of those stories were shared on publications run by other Medium writers. I’ve been thinking about starting my own publication for a while, but I didn’t know what to focus on.

My husband has been interested in genealogy for many years, and recently, I’ve been bitten by the genealogy bug, too. He has shared his interesting genealogy tidbits with me and together we started writing a book on an ancestor. So, I thought why not share these findings with the world?

Genealogy research can sometimes be tedious, but the rewards are worth it. We’ve uncovered some deeply buried family secrets and some interesting family stories. If we have secret stories in our families, you must also have some in yours. The focus of this publication will be genealogy research, analyzing DNA results, and, most importantly, sharing those fascinating family stories with the world all in one place.

Write for Mystery in History

If you wish to write for Mystery in History, send me a draft to review and add a comment below. I will only accept the following topics on articles that have been carefully edited using Grammarly. If you have an idea for a story that isn’t listed below but may be related, please submit it. This list isn’t comprehensive; it’s more of a jumping-off point.

· How to guides on genealogy research

· DNA result analysis

· Unexpected DNA findings


· True crime solved with DNA or genealogy records

· Family tree findings

· Unknown relatives found using DNA analysis

· Famous relative’s connections using genealogical research or DNA results

· Genealogy research tools

· Mayflower or pilgrim stories

· Native American heritage stories

· Historical photographs and documents

Edit Before Submitting

Please edit your work before submitting it. I don’t plan on editing submissions, but I will enforce the editing and grammar guidelines outlined in this article. I don’t plan to spend all of my time editing other writers. I plan to spend my time writing and growing this publication.

Formatting Guidelines

As far as formatting goes, include a Kicker, “Mystery in History,” followed by a capitalized title (see guidelines) and a subtitle with a synopsis of the article (no punctuation for title or subtitle). I’d like to see an image after the kicker, title, and subtitle. The image could be a photo from Unsplash, original artwork, or photos. All images must be appropriately sourced, or your article will not be approved. If you include original artwork or photography, please add “photo from author” or “image created by author.” Give credit where credit is due, especially to you.

Self-Promotion is Allowed

Including a link at the bottom of your draft to your Medium profile and asking users to subscribe to your email list is perfectly acceptable. But please do not include links to articles not genealogy related. I don’t mind if you want to ask people to buy you a coffee, but let’s keep this distraction to a minimum. I don’t need all of your social media links and multiple tipping options.

NOT Allowed

Anyone who is obviously using this publication for the sole purpose of self-promotion will not be allowed to write for a Mystery in History. I don’t allow the use of AI for writing. This publication is for humans only; no robots will be permitted. Anyone using AI to assist with their writing should state this fact and will not be allowed to publish in Mystery in History.


Tagging is essential, and I suggest using tags with more than 100 followers. For example, I would use tags such as “genealogy,” “DNA,” and “history.” Every published article must include “Mystery in History” as a tag. Please make it the first tag so it is easy to spot.

A quick review for submitting to Mystery in History:

1. Add your Medium username to the comment section at the bottom of this article

2. Review the allowed article topics above and select a topic to write about from the list.

3. Once approved as a writer for the publication, submit an edited draft for approval.

4. I will try to get articles posted 24 to 48 hours after submitting the draft.

Don’t Be a Jerk

Last but certainly not least, if you wish to interact with this publication as a reader or writer, please be respectful and kind. I won’t tolerate bullying, harassment, or rude behavior from anyone. This is a publication dedicated to genealogy and sharing genealogical findings in the form of entertaining or interesting history stories. Save the drama for your great, great, grand mama.

Welcome to Mystery in History and I look forward to collaborating with you.



Kristina Pulford
Mystery in History

Nurse, teacher, writer, mom, wife, friend to animals, lover of books, peloton addict. I have a lot of opinions & I'm ready to overshare. Top writer in parenting