The Hallowed Harvest Moon Werewolf Warning

Mystic Investigations
Mystic Investigations
4 min readSep 1, 2020

In the mainstream world this particular Moon of September is called the Corn Moon. Traditionally the Harvest Moon is the Full Moon closest to the Autumnal Equinox. In this case it would be the October 1st Moon while the second Moon of the month would be simply a Blue Moon. In the supernatural world the September Full Moon is almost always the Harvest Moon due to various Agricultural Gods and Goddesses garnering control of the enchanted lunar energies. The two Moons of October will be the usual Blood Moon and the diabolical Blue Blood Moon of damnation falling on Halloween itself! Some will even get a violent Violet Moon! October 2020 is set to be a stellar force of fantastical fright ripe with prolific paranormal activity!😈

The Hallowed Harvest Moon Manifests Malevolence!

The pre-effects of these future Moon is already being felt as metaphysical energy can be retroactive as ancient celestial objects act as paranormal power conduits. So this Septembers Moon is called the Hallowed Harvest Moon due to this connection with Halloween. This brings with it demonic forces who always have their hand in lunar affairs to some extent no matter what nature deities are in charge of the Moon. This is due to lunar light being technically unholy as it is filtered holy sunlight basked upon the dark shadows of the night. With this Harvest Moon the denizens of darkness have far more power than usual. Especially over those with demonic DNA like the Werewolf!

Alarming Increase In Paranormal Activity!

Across the board expect at least a double to triple increase in paranormal activity! Particularly in the realm of demons, poltergeists and dark spiritual haunting’s. Evil witches, warlocks, wizards and sorcerers will be out in full force tapping into these exaggerated energies for their own nefarious needs. They do love raising corpses from graves to create the quintessential zombie army! Gnomes are known to be an issue during the month’s of September through November. They actually eat kids to stay immortal so stay alert and look underfoot for these tiny terrors! As Vampires have demonic DNA they will find themselves more addicted to blood than ever as they risk public exposure on the prowl for humans. Even those vamps who generally keep themselves under control!

The Hallowed Harvest Moon Werewolf

As always Werewolves tend to be the biggest and most monstrous menace during the nights of the Full Moon! The brilliant bright Harvest Moon is a gift of the Gods to farmers who can continue their crop harvesting into the early nocturnal hours. Unfortunately, while out in the dark fields they are vulnerable to the Werewolves who are drawn to such places under this Moon. They flock from their normal forested habitats and coalesce in farm fields. If the wayward wolves meet then there will be epic hair raising battles in which fur furiously flies about! When entering a field alone the Werewolf will often be compelled by the demons of Hell to create crop circles. These are evil encoded messages directly from Hell to the maniacal minions of the planet. Marching orders for the coming Halloween season plump with perplexing plots to forge forth an agenda of unbridled damnation!

Be Paranormally Prepared For The Worst!

Under the Hallowed Harvest Moon expect Werewolves to be more aggressive and out for your flesh at all costs! If you must venture forth into the sinister shadows then at least try to steer clear of rural agricultural regions. The more populated an area the better. There is a natural instinct instilled in the Werewolf under The Supernatural Secrecy Pact to prevent exposure to the mainstream media. If you’re a farmer and must be in the fields after dark then by all means have a trusted priest bless your fields and a giant tank of water to make it holy. Dunk yourself in the holy water every so often while carrying Wolfsbane and real silver upon your person. The silver is far more effective if it’s a religious symbol. A Super Soaker full of holy water is always a fine weapon to keep on board your tractor.

Werewolves Are People Too!

A silver bullet loaded rifle is a last resort as these monsters are human by day and most of the month! Remember these people have families and a life. They didn’t ask for this chaotic curse! On the other hand, they should take responsibility and lock themselves up during Full Moon nights. Still, there are those who are unaware of their werewolf status and give their blackouts some other explanation as they live dangerous denial. The threat of the hulking wolf will continue until the Moon is below 80% of Full. If the Moon looks Full to you then assume your life is at risk and take the proper paranormal precautions!🐺

About Paranormal Forecaster

I’m Xavier Remington the President of Mystic Investigations. A private paranormal crime fighting organization out for supernatural justice in a world full of supernatural darkness.

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Mystic Investigations
Mystic Investigations

We investigate the world of the paranormal while battling the forces of supernatural darkness!