10 Things to Stop Doing If You Want to Attract Positivity into Your Life

These are my tried and tested tips

✨ Bridget Webber
Mystic Minds


A woman in a sunflower field smiles and holds her arms skyward with positivity.
Photograph by Andrea Piacquadio, Pexels

I don’t put positivity on top of my to-do list all of the time. After all, we are meant to experience the whole of life, including its challenges, which aren’t always fun. Sometimes, we learn a great deal from mistakes. That said, there’s no reason not to lean toward positivity when we can.

Being positive brings rewards like vitality, joy, and a sunny attitude, even when the skies are grey. It also draws others to us and helps us make friends. It’s uplifting, not only for us but also for those around us.

We can’t force positivity to enter our lives, but we can encourage it. Our mindsets, thoughts, and behaviors make a massive difference in what happens and, most importantly, how we perceive the world. With this in mind, I often consider what attracts good fortune and a happy mood and what makes them run for the hills. It turns out that what you don’t do is as important as what you do regarding magnetizing positivity.

My what not to do list

I’ve identified 10 things to avoid if you want to enjoy more optimism, lightheartedness, and contentment.

Focus on what goes wrong



✨ Bridget Webber
Mystic Minds

Former counselor. Spiritual growth, compassion, mindfulness, creativity, and psychology. Support me at https://ko-fi.com/bridgetwebber