11 Deep Questions About the Universe That Will Make You Think

Questions act as gateways to the source of wisdom

Kimberly Fosu
Mystic Minds
Published in
4 min readNov 12, 2020


Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Life has gotten so busy and chaotic that we seldom stop to just reflect. We ride on autopilot, and we no longer question reality. Routines, schedules, patterns, and cellphones rule our life. It is hard to stop in the middle of the day just to tune into ourselves.

Asking questions is an excellent way to gain new insights and ideas. Our minds grow and benefit greatly when we ask questions and receive answers.

Questions and Answers Promote a Reflective Way of Living

It is in reflection that we find the answers we seek to have a better understanding of ourselves and others — and also of the universe as a whole. When we ask questions, we find meaning. When we find meaning, we feel a sense of empowerment.

When we ask, we challenge our minds to expand. We are able to go beyond the limitations of the mind.

Deep questions have a way of igniting the creative energy within us that helps us unlock our true potential.

Here are 11 questions to make you reflect on the universe:

1. What came before the Big Bang?

Scientists believe that the Big Bang marks the beginning of existence and is how the universe came to be. But what was before the Big Bang? Something? Nothing?

2. What is beyond what we can see?

We know that the universe comprises of a solar system and that there are lots of galaxies out there. What lies beyond all of it? What lies underneath us? What lies above us? So above so below. Is this universe all there is or there is a multiverse?

3. Why are we here?

Why are we here at this point in time? Did we choose/ask to be here? Did we plan all of our experiences? Is our presence here a learning experience that is to help our soul’s evolution? Or we are here simply because of what our parents did?

4. Is there something greater than ourselves?

Does God really live in the sky? Is He real? Does He speak? Many of us feel connected to something greater than ourselves. What do atheists believe in? What are they connected to? Nothing at all?

5. Are we bound by fate?

Do you believe in fate or does the thought of it makes you uncomfortable because you don’t like the idea that you are not in control of your life? We have free will so do you believe you control your life or is your future written in the stars and set in stone? Can our fate change?

6. Is there life after death?

This is the greatest mystery of them all. Our bodies decay but what happens to our souls? Where do souls live? Some people strongly believe that there is an afterlife and others think it's all over when we die. Is it really over when we die?

7. Is there life on other planets?

What is on Neptune? Is there some form of existence there? Are there organisms such as bacteria and microbes on the planets? Are there trees and water bodies? Is there day and night? Does it rain there? Do the planets really have an effect on us?

8. Are there other dimensions?

We know that we live in a 3D world, but it is interesting to think about the fact that there may be more than three dimensions. Many shamans believe they alternate between this physical 3D and the 5D world where souls and spirits exist through meditation. What are your thoughts?

9. Do we live in a matrix?

Did you watch the movie the matrix? Which pill would you take? Do you believe we live in a matrix? Is life a simulation? Is there really some powerful elites that control everything? If we live in a matrix then how do we get out of it? If we do get out then what next?

10. Will the world ever end?

Will there be such a thing as a judgment day? Where the person walking next to you vanishes into the clouds? An apocalypse maybe? If the world was going to end, how do you think it would happen? Will the sun die, expand, and destroy everything that is left? Or is the world everlasting?

11. Is there heaven and hell?

Is heaven real? Does hell exist? Or is it just heaven and earth? Could earth be hell and punishment? Why do we look up to the heavens when we pray? What do you think about prayer?

Seeking Answers in Search of the Truth

When I think about life and the universe I realize that no one alive really knows and we are all trying to find the truth. When I ask questions, I realize that there is not just one way to think about our existence. Even if we disagree, we still learn.

The answers I get open up my mind and expand my imagination to visualize the out-of-reach and come to a conclusion that resonates with my soul. I can explore ideas without necessarily having to adopt them. Questions and answers broadens my perspective and helps me see a much bigger picture.

That comes to the end of the big questions on my mind. What are the questions on your mind? Got some answers? Let me know in the comments below.

Thanks for reading!



Kimberly Fosu
Mystic Minds

Purpose Coach. I'm kind of obsessed with God. My new book "Who Am I?" is available on Amazon now. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CW1BMHLY