3 Critical Messages for Lightworkers Not Fulfilling Their Purpose
Get up, pick up your lantern, and hold your head up
1. The Time is Now
A lightworker is someone who feels a deep calling to help others and uplift humanity. It is someone who believes it strongly in their heart that they are called and have a mission to promote love, compassion, and healing in the world. Their purpose is to spread light and positivity, helping to counteract negativity and darkness in the world.
A lightworker just knows. If you think you could be a lightworker, think no more.
You are.
As a lightworker, you volunteered to come to the earth to spread light and positivity, raise consciousness, and promote spiritual growth.
You are here with an assignment.
You may be here to redeem your family of a karmic debt that prevents the family line from moving forward.
You may be here to break a generational pattern that’s kept your people in a negative cycle for eons.
You may be here to bring higher codes of light and love onto the planet.
You may be here at this time to help in the creation of the new earth.