3 Paths to Reach Your Highest Potential and Remain There

You didn’t come here to play small and then die like it meant nothing at all

Kimberly Fosu
Mystic Minds


You’re here for so much more. (Photo: SEBASTIEN MARTY)

1. Be The Most Humble Person You Know

Many people will not reach their full potential and that’s the harsh truth. They can’t reach because of the things they carry that weigh them down. Like ego, pride, and arrogance.

We can become so caught up in the everyday mundanity that it’s easier to continue in old patterns rather than change. Yet, we all have a desire to live to our full potential and become the best versions of ourselves.

All of us feel deep down, ‘There must be more to life than that.” And there is.

There is more to life than that.

We came here for so much more and not just to play small and leave the earth without accomplishing the things we said we were going to do.

We don’t accomplish them because we’re not humble enough to want to keep learning and improving ourselves. We act like we know everything when, in fact, we know nothing at all.

When you can admit you don’t know it all, you’re learning something. When you say you know everything, you hold yourself back from learning new things.



Kimberly Fosu
Mystic Minds

Spiritual life coach focused on spirituality, faith and inspiration. My new book "Who Am I?" is available on Amazon now. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CW1BMHLY