3 Signs You're a Free Spirit Who’s Not Going to Conform

You're not here to be like me or anyone else

Kimberly Fosu
Mystic Minds
Published in
5 min readSep 11, 2022


You're here to be one thing and one thing only. (Photo: Pixabay)

1. You Enjoy Standing Out

You know that in the crowd, it’s easy to get lost. Amongst the herd, you risk getting trampled on. This is why you won’t be found mingling with the crowd or walking amidst the herd. You want to be odd so you can stand out.

Your happy place is outside of it.

Out of the matrix. Outside of the crowd. Out from the herd. Outside of the room. Out in nature. Outside of the box. Out of the prison of your mind. Not having anything to do with the drama. You stay out of that too.

When you’re outside, you breathe better. You observe better. You can see better to help those who need help.

You refuse to conform to the expectations of other people. You won’t do what others want you to. The decisions you make will not follow what other people usually do. It’ll always be what your soul is nudging you to do.

Society will probably think you’re weird for how you live, but you see nothing wrong with the term.

It’s your weirdness that makes you cool.

You’re eccentric and unconventional. You don’t live by the rules of society or go down the path everyone…



Kimberly Fosu
Mystic Minds

Spiritual life coach focused on spirituality, faith and inspiration. My new book "Who Am I?" is available on Amazon now. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CW1BMHLY