3 Super Abilities Most Empaths Are Gifted With

Don’t let anyone make you feel bad for feeling

Kimberly Fosu
Mystic Minds
Published in
4 min readJan 12, 2022


Empathy is a gift from the universe and for you to use it effectively, you have to see it as a gift and develop it as such. (Photo: chiplanay)

1. The Gift of Healing

Most empaths have the ability to heal.

This isn’t a magical ability to heal complicated sicknesses and diseases per se, but it’s a touch so gentle that it can send healing where they direct it.



Kimberly Fosu
Mystic Minds

Spiritual Life Coach. My new book "Who Am I?" is available on Amazon now. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CW1BMHLY