5 Revelations on the True Nature of Dragons

They are nothing like what you’ve been taught

Charlotte Eléa
Mystic Minds


Photo by Ryan Moulton on Unsplash

Three years ago, I was visited by a dragon.

This visitation wasn’t the typical spiritual encounters I often experience in my dreams or through guided meditation. This dragon woke me from my sleep.

Their energy was so big I could barely contain it. My heart raced, and I began to sweat. They had no words for me, just graced me with their presence, and were like nothing I had seen before. No illustration or description of a dragon did them justice.

Ever since, I have been working with the dragons as my spiritual guides, and they have shared with me that it is now time for me to begin sharing their wisdom with the world.

Dragons are greatly misunderstood. They have been mythicized in the west as evil, greedy, and out for destruction.

We hear story after story of the hero slaying the dragon. In actuality, dragons are ancient and primordial spiritual beings that come only as love.

This article is just a starting point to re-introduce five aspects on the true nature of dragons. This list will bust through misconceptions and set the record straight.



Charlotte Eléa
Mystic Minds

Spiritual guide, priestess and healer, transmuting fate into destiny. Awakening divine feminine codes and writing about it. http://themagdaleneheart.com