5 Ways You’re Protected in Spiritual Warfare

Evil doesn’t stand a chance

Emmarie Hodge
Mystic Minds


Angel statue in a thunderstorm
Image by Enrique Meseguer from Pixabay

When it comes to spirituality, you hear a lot about love and light. And while it’s true that spirituality is a generally positive experience, we live in a material world that has corrupted some spirits away from what’s good.

Spiritual warfare is how the universe helps us fight against dangerous spiritual beings.

Although this term originates and is more common among Christians, the concept is true for all no matter their religious beliefs. It’s an important reality to recognize if you want spiritual security.

Here are five ways the universe protects you from evil.

1. Spirituality Makes You Strong

Your personal spiritual connection to the universe is what strengthens you against evil. It’s greater than any one religious tradition, which is why people from all spiritual paths are protected.

You may believe in a single God, like Christians, honor an entire pantheon, like pagans, or are an atheist but feel connected to the universe. Anyone who has had a spiritual awakening has armor against negative vibrations and the evil spirits that attract them.

Take comfort in this, because this armor means you can survive in the battle of…



Emmarie Hodge
Mystic Minds

I write interactive tarot readings here on Medium 🔮 Check out me out elsewhere on the web: https://emmariehodge.com/social-media/