A Lot of People Don’t Really Know Sagittarius

This is what Sagitarrius really wants you to understand

Kimberly Fosu
Mystic Minds
Published in
4 min readApr 1, 2021


Freedom, adventure, and space mean everything to Sagittarius. (Photo: Gerd Altmann)

Who a Sagittarius Really is

Most people think Sagittarius is this blunt, boastful wanderer who is afraid of commitment, but they don't really understand the true nature of Sagittarius.

It’s not that Sagittarius is afraid of commitment, but their need for independence and freedom is just too strong to stay in one place for too long. Sagittarius gets bored easily and when they are bored, they must move on to their next adventure, earning them the reputation for being irresponsible and unreliable.

Sagittarius is honest and truthful. Because of this, they may hurt others’ feelings and may be called out for their lack of empathy, but that's not the case at all.

Sagittarius is a mutable sign that can mutate, change, and adapt to situations easily. They are mostly extroverts, highly optimistic, and they prefer changing situations. They are able to transform thoughts into actions and they will do anything to achieve their goals.

Considered the happiest of the zodiac, Sagittarius is open-hearted, open-minded, generous, and big-spirited. Their open minds and philosophical view motivate them to…



Kimberly Fosu
Mystic Minds

Spiritual life coach focused on spirituality, faith and inspiration. My new book "Who Am I?" is available on Amazon now.