Aligning with Your Purpose Will Clear a New Path

The universe will make sure that things work out

Emily Jennings
Mystic Minds
Published in
7 min readApr 24, 2021


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“What the hell am I doing? I must be crazy,” I thought when I first began this journey. I already changed careers twice, from boring office work to teaching and then to software engineering. Why on earth would I change again now, starting from ground zero again, especially when I am now a single mom with mouths to feed? “This might not work, but I have to try,” I told myself.

That was at the very beginning before I learned the ways of the world. Even though that was less than a year ago, it was when I still thought people were morons who spoke about “manifesting your dreams and I still thought the world was cruel, random, and everything was separate.

That was before I understood that when we find our life’s deepest purpose and align with it, the world makes way for our work to unfold. It doesn’t matter how silly or crazy it sounds. You might realize that you are supposed to be a birthday party clown. This may be your way of serving others deeply. It may fulfill your soul in ways that other people can’t possibly understand. Once you quit your job on Wall Street to become a full-time birthday party clown, the universe will undoubtedly clear your way to fulfill your destiny.



Emily Jennings
Mystic Minds

I am here to confirm you're not crazy. Your life has meaning and nothing is an accident. | IG: @wellness_oneness |