Allow the Spiritual You and the Human You To Co-Exist

Creating this space contributes to a more balanced experience

Ilis Trudie Palmer
Mystic Minds


the image is that of a balancing scale. It seems quite antiquated with small golden pans on each side to get the right weight or balance
Photo by Piret Ilver on Unsplash

Some of us are reading from the wrong script. The some of us here refers to those of us who acknowledge that we are spirits having a human experience and that the greater part of us remains spirit and so being, is spiritual.

But what about the human part of us? And the human experience that we came here to have? There appears to be this warped view that as long as we profess to be ‘spiritual’, then we discard the human experience. If it was meant to be so, we would have remained in the spiritual dimension as one with our Source. So no, we came here for the pleasure of being here and to add to the expansion of the universe.

We came here to have experiences that we could not have had otherwise. That is why we landed with our five senses — to see and hear and smell and taste and touch. And those of us with less than five, we make up for it with the other four or three. No one has been left behind.

We came for the pleasure of being here

So why not turn them on? It is as if we believe that our purpose here is to walk this spiritual path — in some cases suffering tremendously, experiencing lack, living loveless and sexless lives, and then return to Source stating, I came, I saw but I passed on the conquering part.

I see this in certain religions — lily white and pure to be returned as is. So what did you come here for?

When we start feeling that we do not deserve to be happy; that we should not feel and experience; that our closeness to our Source would be hampered if we become too human, then we need to pack up and go back, for no further purpose is being served on this plane.

And another thing that many of us spiritually-minded beings believe is that we should not be abundant; we should not have money and possessions; we should own one pair of shoes and live in a tent.

We came here for happiness, my friend — by any means necessary and so if happiness for you is a big house on the hill, claim it; if it is a beautiful relationship filled with mind-blowing sex, reach for it; if it is traveling our beautiful planet, visiting far-flung regions and having awesome cultural experiences, then do it.

This story had been poking its head and tapping on my pen for a while. I am finally glad to get it on paper and share it with you.

Your experience here is for the physical and the spiritual to come together in perfect balance and blending. Do not discard one for the other.

As we say where I come from, ‘please, liv’ yuh life!’*

I. Trudie Palmer
One Love

*Live your life, meaning be happy.



Ilis Trudie Palmer
Mystic Minds

Energy, Creativity, Spirituality, the Great E.S.C; One dose of upfulness in each story or poem or song lyric. https://esotericgardenskn.com